Sunday, August 18, 2024

Review: Midnight Rescue

Midnight Rescue Midnight Rescue by Elle Kennedy
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Abby is an assassin and blows up her current mission when her target (who deals with arms and sex trafficking) plans to sell some people. Abby gets herself caught (yes on purpose!) with the plan on rescuing the girls. Enter Kane, he is part of a group of mercenaries who are sent in to get Abby out.
Both characters have Traumatic Pasts that serve as a barrier to forming any type of long term relationship. They both do move past their TP in this, Abby (understandably) takes the whole book to do so.
Abby was kickass and extremely stupid- which I found frustrating. The secondary characters are likeable enough. Not sure if I'm interested in reading more.

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