Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Review: Booked for the Holidays

Booked for the Holidays Booked for the Holidays by Liz Maverick
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Abi works in publishing and her favorite author (of a cozy mystery series) is missing her deadline for the last book in her popular series. So, she jumps at the chance to go and coach her to make the deadline. Abi shows up at her house. No appointment. Dov, the grandson is the one to answer the door.
The author is over 90 and Abi never stops to think she died (Dov looks sad and a bit stressed), she was a bit (dare I say it?) stupid. So, to say things aren't quite what they seem is very accurate.
Anyway, Dov is planning on finishing the book. Abi offers her help. They both have different ways to approach and it takes time for them to learn how to work together.
This was okay. Not great, it didn't suck. The romance was eh.

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Monday, December 30, 2024

Review: To Do List

To Do List To Do List by Lauren Dane
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Belle is a lawyer who has worked 80 hour weeks for the previous year to get ahead in her law firm. She wants the corner office with a view. One of the partners gives her a hard time when she goes on vacation for 5 days (for Christmas). She's slacking! She has a large supportive family who love and worry about her. She has also had a crush on her brother's best friend, Rafe for years. Rafe has also liked Belle and plans to do something about it.
I did like that this was not one of those "I can't, he is my brother's best friend!" or "I can't, she's my best friend's sister!" This was short, sweet, and spicy. The romance worked because of their prior friendship. Each chapter alternates between points of view.

Review: The [Fake] Dating Game

The [Fake] Dating Game The [Fake] Dating Game by Timothy Janovsky
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Holden's long term boyfriend recently broke-up with him. He decides, since the trip he planned for both of them are nonrefundable, to go ahead and go to LA. It starts off horribly; his luggage is lost, the hotel smells, and someone he thought would remain a friend is most definitely not. His ultimate goal was to be on the show, Madcap Market. MM was his mother's (and his) favorite show and something they would watch together. She died when he was 18 (6 years ago). Being single, he won't be able to audition, but he could be an audience member.
However he makes a connection when his hotel's concierge brings him pizza and they play Monopoly to take his mind off things. What follows are 2 strangers who have a connection and share things that they haven't been about to share with other people. After Leo loses his job, they decide to fake a relationship to audition for Madcap Market. Both really could use the grand prize of 100,000.
Both characters compliment each other. Through his relationship with Leo, he finally realizes he needs to deal with his grief over his mother's death; he never really dealt with it. Lust happens quickly and you could say they fall in love with each other quickly too. The game show component is about the last 1/3 of the book. Holden also learns this: "Happiness is something we make for ourselves."

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Review: My Mistletoe Beau

My Mistletoe Beau My Mistletoe Beau by Anna Bennett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 rounded up
Eva and Jack meet when Eva breaks into Jack's residence looking for her father's treasured watch. Her father had wagered it on a game of cards and lost (to his regret). Unbeknownst to her, Jack blames her parents for his father's unhappiness. Long story short, his father was in love with and engaged to Eva's mother. But her mother was in love with someone else (her father) so they ran away and eloped. Jack's father became a recluse.
At their meeting, sparks fly and a bargain is made. One watch in exchange for being his fake fiance. But of course Feelings develop!
I did like this, but I thought Jack and his dad got over the years of hurt really fast (after one conversation). That was quick. Likable characters and I could believe the romance.

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Review: Christmas at Dewberry Hollow

Christmas at Dewberry Hollow Christmas at Dewberry Hollow by Amelia Grey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Isabelle (the granddaughter of a viscount) helps her mother run an inn. The inn belonged to her father and has a long storied history. Funds are tight and a duke's visit is welcomed. Isabelle helps where she can and teaches village girls to read. While she is out trying to hunt a deer, she meets Gate.
Isabelle accidentally shoots one of Gate's guardsmen. Luckily, he will be fine.
This was well paced and had enjoyable characters. I could see them together and I liked that Gate was the one to move.

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Review: Wreck the Halls

Wreck the Halls Wreck the Halls by Tessa Bailey
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Melody and Beat are the children of rock stars (their mothers).  Their mothers were in a band together and split before either were born.  They meet for the first time as teens (16).  Melody was an awkward teen and was bullied & made fun of on social media.  Beat was loved on social media and could do no wrong.  They reunite 14 years later in an attempt to reunite their mothers (and in Beat's case make some $$ to pay off a blackmailer).
I thought the reason for Beat's blackmail was sad since it wasn't something he could control nor was it something he personally did (and was just wrong to begin with).  
When all said and done, this was a bit slow.  I didn't like or dislike either main character; I ultimately didn't care where their story went.  What was confusing was the impact both had on each other at 16 and no one even texted the other in 14 years?

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Saturday, December 28, 2024

Review: The Christmas Wager

The Christmas Wager The Christmas Wager by Holly Cassidy
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Bella works at a real estate company and is very driven. She wants her own office. In order to get a promotion, she has to get the owner of a building in a small CO town to sell. This building is historic and has been in the family for years in addition to it being a family business. They sell Christmas ornaments. Bella was born and raised in a small town so she knows about being up in everyone else's business. Oh and it is one week before Christmas. Bella happens to hate Christmas (her father walked out when she was 10 right before Christmas).
Jesse, an electrician, is the owner's grandson. He didn't want to go into the family business, so his grandfather took over again when his parents were killed in a car accident. He also loves Christmas.
This was a fun enemies to friends to lovers story. Bella and Jesse find comfort in each other that they haven't in others. Both come to different realizations with what they want in their careers as well. I thought the Christmas challenge organized by the town's seniors was unique.

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Review: Only Santas in the Building

Only Santas in the Building Only Santas in the Building by Alexis Daria
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Evie recently moved into a new apartment and hasn't had much opportunity to decorate it. Someone starts to leave handmade Christmas ornaments on her door. The gifts do not come with a note. She has a crush on her upstairs neighbor, Theo. Theo is handsome, smart, and sweet. However, when they've run into each other, she's had her baggy sweats on.
This was well paced; I got a good feel for Evie. Both Evie and Theo have good conversations about their feelings and I could see them together.

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Thursday, December 19, 2024

Review: Merriment and Mayhem

Merriment and Mayhem Merriment and Mayhem by Alexandria Bellefleur
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Everleigh is in town to fix up and sell her grandma's house.  Problem is Everleigh is a bit of a disaster.  Set fire to the kitchen?  Check.  Fall off a ladder and cling for her life on the gutter?  Check.  Each time her neighbor calls 911 and the fire department comes out.  She is assisted each time by Griffin, a hunky, sweet firefighter.  
What follows is a sweet romance when someone, who is alone, realizes they don't want to be anymore.  It helps too, that this someone can work anywhere as long as there is internet.  I enjoyed this one.  The best so far in this collection.  

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Monday, December 16, 2024

Review: All by My Elf

All by My Elf All by My Elf by Olivia Dade
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Nina and William are both adjunct professors at the local college. Together, with another friend, they take a job during the holidays while on winter break. Nina has a crush on Williams and vice versa. Each finds out about the mutual attraction while stuck together in the company van during a snow storm.
This was kinda boring and for awhile there I thought Claudia had a thing for William too. Thankfully, that wasn't the case. And did I say this was kinda boring?

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Review: Merry Ever After

Merry Ever After Merry Ever After by Tessa Bailey
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

vie, a single mom from Chicago, decided to settle in a town that she and her mom visited once while she was growing up. She works at the local thrift store and lives above it. The owners also let her sell her clothing there that she makes from recycled clothing. It is there that she meets Luke, a local farmer who happens to be super tall. Unable to find jeans that fit him, Evie makes him a pair.
Evie and Luke's relationship goes from zero to 180. Nicely, there is an epilogue that gives a glimpse 7 years in the future which was nice.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Review: Just for the Holidays...

Just for the Holidays... Just for the Holidays... by Adriana Herrera
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I've enjoyed this author's Dreamers series.  In the mood for a holiday themed romance, I selected this one.  I was a bit disappointed.
Perla is from a family involved in the entertainment business (her dad owned a production company).  When her father died, things became strained with her mother and brother since her dad gave his company to Perla's half sister and she got close to her (Esmeralda).  Perla is now VP of global casting and talent acquisition.  Her ex, Gael is a world famous movie star and in the running for the lead in a production they are doing.  They meet again since Perla is in charge of casting a part that would be perfect for him.  
Full disclosure; I don't mind second chance romances, but they aren't my favorite.  I really don't think Gael groveled enough or owned the reason why he originally split from Perla.  He broke up with her at his uncle's (Manolo) urging because was too shy, plain, and would hold him back from a fabulous movie career.   What a shitty reason.  
Even more annoying, he goes on to said fabulous movie career and dating life.  While Perla does grow into herself and finds herself, no other guy will do, so she's remained celibate and rarely dated.  Yeah.  Fuck that.  Why couldn't she happily date too?
So, yep, this didn't really work for me.  

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Thursday, December 12, 2024

Review: Cruel Winter with You

Cruel Winter with You Cruel Winter with You by Ali Hazelwood
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This was okay.  Jamie is a pediatrician in her residency and is home for Christmas.  Her dad sends her to their neighbors to borrow a pan.  Said neighbors are long-time friends; only Marc is the only one home as his parents and sister (and Jamie's best friend) are away somewhere warm.  Marc has been in love with Jamie since he was a teenager (and vice versa).
I had issues with both characters.  Jamie was too insecure and too much of a people pleaser (she walked over in a snowstorm to borrow a fucking pan because daddy dearest told her too).   Marc was an asshole as a child (and was brushed off because he was smart & being a guy; I doubt had it been his sister doing these things, it wouldn't have been tolerated).  Anyway, about several months ago, he confessed his feelings to Jamie and she shot him down (insecure).  They talk and are together by the end of this.  The pacing was good and we learned what we needed to know in flashbacks.  

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Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Review: Heartstopper: Volume Five

Heartstopper: Volume Five Heartstopper: Volume Five by Alice Oseman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Charlie is doing better after getting treatment for his eating disorder.  Nick is struggling with what university to apply to; he wants to stay close to Charlie.  Charlie struggles with the possibility that after this next school year, he and Nick might be doing the long distance thing.  
They also want to take things further in their relationship and start to experiment with what they like.   Charlie learns that he doesn't only need Nick, but he can rely on others too.  He gains some confidence with being asked to play drugs in a band and apply for head boy at school.  Nick, too, realizes that he needs to think of himself and go to the university that best fits him.  
Charlie's sister Tori, has a confession in this one.

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Monday, December 9, 2024

Review: Act Your Age, Eve Brown

Act Your Age, Eve Brown Act Your Age, Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Eve is the youngest Brown sister.  She hops from job to job when things get difficult.  As a result, she sees herself a a failure.  Her sisters are settled into jobs/careers that they like and that fit them.  When her parents give her an ultimatum, she runs and applies for a chef job on a spur of the moment.  Further complicating things, she hits her soon-to-be boss, Jacob, with her car (accidentally of course).
Eve gradually finds herself and something she loves to do.  Jacob, who was abandoned as a child by his parents (and raised by an aunt (if I remember correctly) and has autism, tells things like they are and has a tendency to make other people uncomfortable.  He finds a soul mate in Eve, he doesn't have to censor himself or worry about her.  She accepts him for who he is.  And Eve finds her self-confidence and someone who accepts her, just as she is.
I also liked Chloe and Dani's (and their partners) appearances in this too.  

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Friday, December 6, 2024

Review: A Classic Case

A Classic Case A Classic Case by Alicia Thompson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Audrey decides to check in on the welfare of an older gentleman she always sees on the same day and same time at her local video rental store. Because on this particular day, he was not there. She was worried about him.
Interesting mystery. No one is killed or harmed. Mr Hoffman's "disappearance" has a normal, logical reason (and no, it isn't he is at the hospital). Hint of romance between Audrey and Grant (who owns the video store).

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Sunday, November 24, 2024

Review: One Lucky Subscriber

One Lucky Subscriber One Lucky Subscriber by Kellye Garrett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Kennedy is responsible for her younger brother DJ. They live in a 1 bedroom apt, so when DJ's favorite You Tuber has a contest to win 50,000, Kennedy decides to try and win that money. Kidd (the You Tuber) is a bit of an asshole and has a history of sabotaging his contests for increased views.
Something happens and Kidd thinks someone tried to kill him (by pushing him into something). He films it while accusing just about everyone still in the game. Meanwhile, someone is stealing the prize money.
Anyway, this was nicely paced and Kennedy figured out the thief and they were caught.

Review: The Nosy Neighbor

The Nosy Neighbor The Nosy Neighbor by Nita Prose
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Marge is a neighborhood busybody. She has a chair in front of her large living room window and watches the coming and goings of her neighborhood.  Doris and her husband Bob are among those she watches.  Doris is a bit much and Bob is super quiet and has multiple health problems (I assume).  Marge and Doris are 75 (and I assume Bob is of similar age).
Doris talks to her husband, Harold.  We found out later something about him which changed my understanding of Doris.  Harold's accident may not have been an accident.  Bob may or may not be dead.  Doris may or may not have some sort of dementia.  Marge may or may not be a murderer.  All may be true, or some could be true, or nothing.  Ends with too many questions.  

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Saturday, November 23, 2024

Review: Heartstopper: Volume Four

Heartstopper: Volume Four Heartstopper: Volume Four by Alice Oseman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

At the beginning, Charlie wants to tell Nick he loves him and is stressing himself out. Nick, on the other hand, supports Charlie has an eating disorder and is trying to figure out how to talk to him about it.
This is the more serious volume; it deals with mental health (anorexia and OCD) and Charlie has an inpatient stay at a psychiatric hospital. Nick is now fully out to all his family members. I feel that Charlie and Nick's relationship is stronger than ever now. We don't see much of the friend group (Toa, Aled, Elle, Tara, Darcy, etc) in this one.

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Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Review: Crime of Fashion

Crime of Fashion Crime of Fashion by Emma Rosenblum
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Nellie is an assistant for a fashion magazine.  She's at a cover shoot when an expensive necklace goes missing.  It is later found in the editor-in chief's bag (Charlotte).  She denies she took it.  Nellie is quickly blamed.  But, there are a lot of possible suspects; Charlotte (editor in chief), Pointer (photographer), Marlee (a musician who is the cover model), Amanda (Marlee's publicist), Farrah (fashion director), and Jerry (the necklace's security guard who fell asleep).
Nellie decides to investigate since she cannot afford to lose her job, nor her dreams of having a writing career.  And the rumor mill is buzzing.  
This was well plotted and paced, I liked the resolution.  

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Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Review: The Reunion Dinner

The Reunion Dinner The Reunion Dinner by Jesse Q. Sutanto
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This takes place during Chinese New Year. Josephine has always wanted to host CNY at her place. But Big Uncle has always hosted. But not this year! He had a fall and broke his hip, so now it is Josephine's year!!
So, Josephine's son brought home his fiance- his parents have never met her. She dies (poison) and someone is guilty. But who? It turns out, she is a horrible person. She cheated Porter (a nephew) out of his business, dated Fran (a niece) and cheated on her with George (Fran's father and Yolanda, Josephine's sister's husband). This led to Yolanda's divorce. So, lots of suspects. This was so good, I did not see that coming! Very nice twist!

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Monday, November 18, 2024

Review: Staged

Staged Staged by Elle Cosimano
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lyda is a new realtor who hasn't sold any houses and is desperate to sell her first one. The house happens to be a fixer upper and she sunk some of her own money (that she really didn't have) to fix it a bit to sell. Her best friend Dani (who is aspiring to be a home designer/stager) is helping her. Sawyer is one of those she hired. He is apparently hot and a serial dater and player. Dani was also openly eyeing him (cause he's single at the moment!).
Lyda and Dani return from errands to find a dead body. Sawyers.
I was pleasantly surprised, this had nice pacing and plotting. It got straight to the point. Decent mystery.

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Saturday, November 16, 2024

Review: Mister Hockey

Mister Hockey Mister Hockey by Lia Riley
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Breezy is a child's librarian who also LOVES hockey.  Her whole wild, kooky family LOVES hockey.  Jed "Westy" is the star played of the local team, The Hellions.  They meet when Jed comes to children's story hour as a favor to Neve, Breezy's sister who is also a sports reporter and was interviewing Jed.
This was a fast romance from first meeting to hooking up.  The pacing wasn't too bad and overall worked.  There is a lot in the story when all is said and done.  From job loss/retirement to starting a new business to healing things with a parent to dealing with the affects of concussions and CTE; there was a lot to unpack in this.  

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Monday, November 11, 2024

Review: Heartstopper: Volume Three

Heartstopper: Volume Three Heartstopper: Volume Three by Alice Oseman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Charlie and Nick are out to their families and now are in the process of telling their friends. Tao and Elle have something going on. Aled also has someone he may be interesting in. And let's not forget the Paris trip!
Charlie may have an eating disorder. Mr Ajayi (Truham's art teacher)and Mr Farouk (Truham's science teacher) may also have something going on.

Review: The Lives of Lee Miller

The Lives of Lee Miller The Lives of Lee Miller by Antony Penrose
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Elizabeth "Lee" Miller.  She was a former model turned photographer.  Not many know about her; another woman almost forgotten to history.  
I picked this book up to learn more about her after seeing the movie "Lee" with Kate Winslet.  
Lee had a harder upbringing; she was raped at 7 and got a STI and her mother had to give her a dichloride Mercury solution via douche for a month to treat (era before antibiotics).  She also posed for her father so he could take pictures.  
She had a hard time staying in one place, always wanted to be on the move, to travel.  She had many interesting friends (like Picasso).  She was able to parlay her love of photography into a career.  She was in London during the Blitz.  She took pictures during WWII for Vogue.  She was one of the first people to see and photograph liberated Paris and later Dachau.  Her most known photograph is her in the bathtub of Hitler's Munich apartment.  She had just come from Dachau (if you look at the picture, there is dirt/ash from her boots on the bathmat).  
I wonder how much of the issues she had with relationships were related to her childhood assault.  She didn't have the best relationship with her son either.  Lee was such an interesting person, flaws and all.      

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Saturday, November 9, 2024

Review: The Third Mrs. Durst

The Third Mrs. Durst The Third Mrs. Durst by Ann Aguirre
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Marlena grew up poor with multiple half siblings (different fathers) and a drug addicted mother.  She ran away as a teen for something better.  She makes a friend with Jenny and together they protect each other while on the street.  Jenny has a similar background and is a few years younger.  They are eventually discovered by a talent scout (they had heard of this person and arranged to "spontaneously meet" him) and get piecemeal modeling work that put a roof over their heads.  
Marlena does land a much better contract in Europe after catching the eye of Michael Durst, an investor in the modeling company she works for.  She is able to go to college and end her modeling career when she wants to.  Michael eventually makes his move and they began dating and eventually got married.  Marlena was be his third wife.  The first died in a car accident and the second committed suicide.  But where they really murdered and deaths made to seem otherwise?   Michael did get a HUGE insurance payout from wife number 1 which funded his business ventures.   
This is somewhat dark.  There is rape, but it is not gratuitous and is brief.  It is mentioned Marlena was raped as a child by one of her mother's boyfriends, the one that is on the page is early in the book and her modeling career.  Michael is not a handsome prince.  He is controlling and Marlena can't have her own friends or activities without his okay.  He controls what she wears and what she eats.  He also invented a new backstory and parents for her (she's an only child of Croatian parents).  
I enjoyed the twists in this.  Let's just say that Michael gets exactly what he deserves.  Marlena is not the innocent person you first think she is; revenge takes time and years of planning.  

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Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Review: Saint X

Saint X Saint X by Alexis Schaitkin
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Claire (age 7) is on vacation with her family in the Caribbean when her older sister (who is in college now) goes missing and is found dead. Locals are questioned, but released due to lack of evidence. Her death goes unsolved (was it an accident? was she murdered? we don't know).
Claire grows up and as a twenty-something runs into a boy who was questioned when her sister died. Having idolized her sister, she decides she needs to find out what really happened.
This was a decent mystery, but a thriller this is not. It was slow and boring in places, and seemed longer than it really was. I didn't particularly like Claire (or her sister Alison). I do think the book tackled difficult subject matter (like race and class differences); hence the 3* (instead of a 2*).

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Review: Heartstopper: Volume Two

Heartstopper: Volume Two Heartstopper: Volume Two by Alice Oseman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Picks up where volume 1 left off. Charlie is upset with himself for overstepping (or so he thinks) with Nick. Nick was surprised and unsure of how to act. He is questioning things about himself and coming to some realizations.
Charlie's friends are super supportive and on his side. They are very unsure of Nick and thinks Charlie will get hurt. Ends with Nick making a confession to his mom.
Nicely done!

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Sunday, November 3, 2024

Review: Jackdaw

Jackdaw Jackdaw by K.J. Charles
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ben is a constable who fell in love with Jonah.  Jonah is a windwalker and a thief.  He runs from trouble and may having been involved in murder.  
I liked the present and past tense to get an idea of what happened, the full story.  Jonah does start out as the villain, but has a backstory that explains his choices and behaviors in the present.  He does grow and change as the book progresses.  I did wonder how Ben and Jonah were going to get their HEA.  Well, they do and we also get to see Day and Crane.  I loved how the townspeople showed up when it mattered.  

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Saturday, November 2, 2024

Review: If I Stopped Haunting You

If I Stopped Haunting You If I Stopped Haunting You by Colby Wilkens
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This book had some controversy in regards to the author. I included links below if interested.
This is about the book.
Penelope is a writer. She's got writer's block and goes to a writing retreat in an attempt to unblock and find inspiration. Neil is also a writer and is at the same retreat. The problem? They hate each other. Who doesn't like a good enemies to lovers story?
This was/is my problem. I didn't particularly like either character. While Penelope brought up some good points, that got lost in her shitty behavior. She's supposed to be almost 30, but she behaves like a teenager. She doesn't grow as the book progresses. I found I just could not get over/forgive Penelope's abusive behavior at the beginning of the book. What she did was assault. (At the very beginning of the book, she threw a book at Neil, striking him on the head and giving him a scar.) If it had been reversed, and it was Neil who threw the book at Penelope, would you have viewed this any differently?
A generous 2. I did finish it.

And now the author controversy:
Smart Bitches had a fantastic write-up:

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Review: Small Acts of Courage: A Legacy of Endurance and the Fight for Democracy

Small Acts of Courage: A Legacy of Endurance and the Fight for Democracy Small Acts of Courage: A Legacy of Endurance and the Fight for Democracy by Ali Velshi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This has a very interesting opening; Ali Velshi being shot with a rubber bullet at a BLM protest. The kicker? It was a deliberate act, on purpose, by the police targeting a journalist (and he wasn't the only journalist to be targets at the numerous protests that were held). He mentions having to wear a bullet proof vest. And yes, that is here, not overseas.
This is the story of his family history. From India to South Africa to Canada and lastly, to the US. It's interesting how they kept a lot of the Indian traditions (dress and food) despite never having lived in India (his family left India > 100 years ago). The struggle of identity; the racism (regardless of where one lives).
I also appreciated he pointed out that history is (largely) written by men and as such, they are the primary people in history. The women in his family are just as accomplished and awesome as the men. And the men would not have achieved what they did had it not been for the women supporting them.

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Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Review: Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic

Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic by Alison Bechdel
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is a graphic novel about the author's relationship with her father.  Before this book, the only thing I knew about Alison Bechdel was that she was the one to coin "The Bechdel Test" for entertainment (ie: does a movie have more than 2 female characters and they do have at least one conversation that isn't about a dude(s)).
Anyway, her father was there, but wasn't.  He wasn't demonstrative with his love and kept his family at arm's length.  He also had a secret (he was gay).   I feel like I should have liked this more than I did since it's about trying to make sense of a life (and death) of a loved one.  And that loved one not being able to fully accept/acknowledge who they truly are.  

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Saturday, October 26, 2024

Review: Why Dukes Say I Do

Why Dukes Say I Do Why Dukes Say I Do by Manda Collins
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Isabella is a widow who was in an abusive marriage.  Her sister, Perdita, was also in an abusive marriage.  The book opens with Peridita's husband, the Duke of Ormonde, holding a knife to Peridita's throat.  Georgina, their friend was also there.  What happens next forms one of the plot points of this book (and the next 2).  Someone knows their secret.
Isabella is tasked with going to the countryside to retrieve Trevor, the new duke.  She goes to help her sister who is being romanced and is thought to be in love with a new person; the dowager duchess has enough power to end it or let it be.  Trevor's dad was the exiled second son of the old duke, the current dowager's grandson.  And as a result, he does not like that side of the family.
Anyway, Isabella does well out in the country and forms friendships with Trevor's younger sisters; Eleanor and Belinda.  She and Trevor gradually give in to their attraction and fall in love.  She confides in Trevor her abusive marriage, the threatening notes she is getting, and her abusive marriage.  There have also been attempts to injure/kill her (a damaged carriage, a cut strap on a saddle for example).
I did like the slow burn.  The characters were also likable.  However, I did find my attention drifting at times and this was easy to put down (and pick up later).  And while we do find out who was behind the notes/"gifts" Isabella was getting, we do not know who the primary person is behind the notes that Georgina and Perdita have also gotten.  

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Friday, October 25, 2024

Review: Low-Hanging Fruit: Sparkling Whines, Champagne Problems, and Pressing Issues from My Gay Agenda

Low-Hanging Fruit: Sparkling Whines, Champagne Problems, and Pressing Issues from My Gay Agenda Low-Hanging Fruit: Sparkling Whines, Champagne Problems, and Pressing Issues from My Gay Agenda by Randy Rainbow
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I so enjoy his cleverly crafted videos to songs; they are unique and funny.  So when the second book came out, I had to check this out.  This is hilarious.  While the first was probably more about his childhood and trying to make it in show business, this one was more about stories from the time after he made it.
There is so much in this.  There's a story about someone he slept with that had a Google fetish (really!).  A chapter from his feline's point of view (so true).  I loved the banter between his mom and him.  His comments to comments made on social media- hilarious!

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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Review: True Gretch: What I've Learned About Life, Leadership, and Everything in Between

True Gretch: What I've Learned About Life, Leadership, and Everything in Between True Gretch: What I've Learned About Life, Leadership, and Everything in Between by Gretchen Whitmer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Gretchen Whitmer was elected the governor of Michigan in 2018, officially taking office in 2019.  We all know this was at the time of Trump's presidency (hopefully the first and only presidency or we are well and truly fucked) and some dark times were ahead.  She dealt with a lot of shit; heightened because she was a woman and called out bullshit when she saw it.   This was interesting, told from her perspective.  I liked that she knows (and admits) to mistakes or things that she would have done differently.  

Review: Heartstopper: Volume One

Heartstopper: Volume One Heartstopper: Volume One by Alice Oseman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Charlie and Nick both attend a boys only school.  Charlie was outed the prior year and was bullied because of it.  Things are a bit better this year.  They meet when they sit together in one of their classes.  A friendship begins.  Nick is able to relax and be himself around Charlie.  Nick, who is a bit of a jock (he is a rugby player), is a very sweet person.  Charlie develops a crush.  
This was a delightful graphic novel, but does end on a bit of a cliffhanger.  

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Saturday, October 19, 2024

Review: Dalliances & Devotion

Dalliances & Devotion Dalliances & Devotion by Felicia Grossman
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Amalia is on her way back home to Delaware to claim her part of the family fortune.  She needs the money for her charity which helps women divorce abusive or negligent spouses.  She also happens to be divorced herself (twice) and knows how hard it is.  She also writes a beauty column.  
David is an ex-soldier turned Pinkerton agent with eyes on a promotion.  He also has a history with Amalia, she was his first love.  As things are wont to do, things happened and they went their separate ways.  Now he is her bodyguard since she has gotten some threats and will accompany her back to DE.  
I had a hard time getting into this.  Amalia came across (at first) as shallow and it just took too long for me to see that she wasn't.  David was pretty decent.  This is the second in a series (the first was Amalia's parents' story), but works just fine as a stand-alone.  

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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Review: It Takes a Witch

It Takes a Witch It Takes a Witch by Heather Blake
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Darcy and her sister Harper are Wishcrafters; witches that can grant wishes assuming the wisher has a pure heart, wish is genuine, and does no harm. After getting a call from their aunt Ve, they've moved to MA and are learning about their abilities from their aunt. Ve owns her own business, As You Wish.
I liked the various magical abilities of various Crafters. They are able to live in plain sight and the "normal" human has no idea. Interesting town and townspeople. This is told in first person, from Darcy's POV and she is a likable character. Decent mystery, a lot of self discovery.
Nice twist at the end.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Review: Coming Home

Coming Home Coming Home by Brittney Griner
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I'm on a roll with spectacular back to back reads.
I remember when Brittany Griner was arrested in Russia. This is her story of her captivity there and the trauma associated with it. Things she continues to deal with today. There were lots of details in this. Other women (and men) who were held for ridiculous reasons. BG also fully acknowledges other Americans held captive wrongly and who were still (and many others still are) captive at the time of her release. She was an advocate before, she is an even bigger one now. I admire her.
I LOVED the epilogue.

Review: On Call: A Doctor's Journey in Public Service

On Call: A Doctor's Journey in Public Service On Call: A Doctor's Journey in Public Service by Anthony Fauci
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow, wow, wow. I admired Dr Anthony Fauci during his appearances during the Covid pandemic briefings. I liked how he articulated the facts as he knew them to be at the time and kept the public updated as things inevitably changed. As we all know, things changed quite often as we learned more.
AF has lead a full life with a focus on public service. I wish more people had his mindset. It was interesting learning more about the AIDS/HIV, Ebola, MERS, SARS research during his tenure at the NIH (National Institute of Health) as part of NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases).
Anthony Fauci is a perfect example of what a NON-PARTISAN public servant who has worked with numerous Presidential administrations. And what we stand to lose should Trump win in Nov and Project 2025 is implemented (even partially). VOTE.

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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Review: The Rivals of Casper Road

The Rivals of Casper Road The Rivals of Casper Road by Roan Parrish
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Bram moved to WY from WA after a devastating breakup. He loves the outdoors and like to work with his hands, making many interesting things. Zachary and his family moved to Garnet Run for a fresh start after his sister's disappearance. Zachary has always been a loner and different, forgotten by his parents. He also is an architect and works from home dressed in a suit and tie. Zachary loves horror and Halloween and has won his neighborhood home decorating contest 6 years in a row.
Bram moved next door and they start a friendship that also turns into a prank contest with each other and a neighbor. That friendship gradually grows to more. With Bram's support, Zachary is able to eventually do what he really wants to do. It was incredibly sad that Bram was only the 2nd person to tell him he loved him (after his sister). Other characters from the Garnet Run series make appearances, this does work as a standalone.

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Saturday, October 5, 2024

Review: Time Thief

Time Thief Time Thief by Anna Hackett
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Huh.  Minimal world building and I didn't particularly connect with (or like) either of the lead characters.  I thought Sean was a bit stupid (ex-military who decides to work for a crime Lord?  really?).  The romance was fast and I didn't buy it.  

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Review: A Queer Trade

A Queer Trade A Queer Trade by K.J. Charles
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Introduces Crispin and Ned. Crispin is an apprentice magician whose teacher died unexpectedly. He had paper with spells on them and Crispin needs to track them down before bad things happen. Ned is the waste seller that took in the papers (paper is reused; an example being wrapping for produce/meat).
Short, but nice pacing, and I could see these 2 together. Looking forward to the next.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Review: Say More: Lessons from Work, the White House, and the World

Say More: Lessons from Work, the White House, and the World Say More: Lessons from Work, the White House, and the World by Jen Psaki
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Jen Psaki served on both Obama's and Biden's administrations. She was Biden's Press Secretary from 2021-2022. Super interesting reading about the backstage workings of a presidential administration.

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Review: A Lady's Code of Misconduct

A Lady's Code of Misconduct A Lady's Code of Misconduct by Meredith Duran
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Jane is trapped. She's got money, but this being the 1860s she doesn't have access to it until she marries. She lives with her uncle and his family (his wife and son). He controls the money and keeps her housebound and isolated. He feels that her money should be all his. Apparently he had lent Jane's father money to start his business. Despite being paid back in full & with interest, that wasn't enough and he was cheated out of more. He is also deeply involved with politics.
Crispin is one of her father's political colleagues. One particular night he "sees" Jane and thinks they can help each other out. Crispin trusts no one. He aspires to become the prime minister and is willing to go to great lengths to achieve that. He makes a bargain with Jane. Copy a certain letter her uncle has in his possession and he will give to the name and direction of a priest who will quite happily sign a marriage decree for her. She just needs a guy, anyone will do, and the priest will sign.
So when Crispin is attacked and was thought to be a death door, Jane thought, might as well use him!
And surprise, he lived! And has amnesia.
I liked the writing, the characters. What I didn't like so much was Crispin's complete personality change with the amnesia.

Review: Playing with Myself

Playing with Myself Playing with Myself by Randy Rainbow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love Randy Rainbow's YouTube videos- they are so funny (and unique!). That is his real name. Pleasantly surprised how supportive his mother was. Less surprised was that his dad was an asshole. This book was just about as entertaining as his videos. I listened to the audio book, narrated by Randy himself.

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Friday, September 20, 2024

Review: Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder

Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder by Salman Rushdie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Salman Rushdie talks about his near fatal assassination attack in 2022. I had some idea of the nature of his injuries based on news reports, but after a time other things happen and his story dropped from the news cycle. He had to go through intensive rehab. It was interesting reading what he went through. It has to be difficult to have live knowing there is a fatwa calling for his death and under that constant threat/thought.

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Review: The Duke and I

The Duke and I The Duke and I by Julia Quinn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A bit late to the Bridgerton party (I might be one of the last people to not have watched ANY season of Briderton on Netflix). I told myself I would watch only after I read the book.
I enjoyed the close knit Bridgerton clan. The family tree included in the book was helpful to. Daphne was a wonderful heroine. Simon was also pretty wonderful too (even if her reasons for not wanting kids was stupid). Simon's mother died in childbirth and his father was an emotionally abusive asshole. Simon also had a speech problem (he stuttered) that affected him for most of his childhood before he learned to cope and deal with it. It took the whole book for him to let his dislike of his father go and the power daddy dearest had over him.

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Review: Only You

Only You Only You by Rachel Lacey
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Amy and Luke dated in high school. Amy broke-up with Luke when he went off to college thinking that he would dump her and might as well get ahead of the curve. She's now a single mom to an autistic son. She recently inherited a home and is a bit overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done to it. When her best friend's wedding venue cancels at the last minute, she asks Amy to have the wedding in her backyard.
Luke is a doctor now and in town for his friend's wedding (characters from the previous book). He is also handy with his hands and this leads them to spend time together fixing up the yard (and house).
Sweet second chance romance. This is shorter, I could see them together based on their previous relationship. Good group of friends too!

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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Review: Accidental Abduction

Accidental Abduction Accidental Abduction by Eve Langlais
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Megan is on a cruise when her boyfriend "accidentally" knocks her into the water and leaves her there.  She is accidentally beamed up with other marine life to a space ship by Tren.  Tren is an ex-mercenary turned trader of rare and interesting creatures from various planets.  He sees humans a barbarians, women as worthless (unless it's for sex).  
While this had fun banter and I enjoyed that, I hated Tren and his sexist attitude and could not get past that.  Fuck him.  Megan's ex-boyfriend does get his just desserts, so there was that too.  

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Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...