Monday, December 9, 2024

Review: Act Your Age, Eve Brown

Act Your Age, Eve Brown Act Your Age, Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Eve is the youngest Brown sister.  She hops from job to job when things get difficult.  As a result, she sees herself a a failure.  Her sisters are settled into jobs/careers that they like and that fit them.  When her parents give her an ultimatum, she runs and applies for a chef job on a spur of the moment.  Further complicating things, she hits her soon-to-be boss, Jacob, with her car (accidentally of course).
Eve gradually finds herself and something she loves to do.  Jacob, who was abandoned as a child by his parents (and raised by an aunt (if I remember correctly) and has autism, tells things like they are and has a tendency to make other people uncomfortable.  He finds a soul mate in Eve, he doesn't have to censor himself or worry about her.  She accepts him for who he is.  And Eve finds her self-confidence and someone who accepts her, just as she is.
I also liked Chloe and Dani's (and their partners) appearances in this too.  

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