Monday, December 30, 2024

Review: The [Fake] Dating Game

The [Fake] Dating Game The [Fake] Dating Game by Timothy Janovsky
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Holden's long term boyfriend recently broke-up with him. He decides, since the trip he planned for both of them are nonrefundable, to go ahead and go to LA. It starts off horribly; his luggage is lost, the hotel smells, and someone he thought would remain a friend is most definitely not. His ultimate goal was to be on the show, Madcap Market. MM was his mother's (and his) favorite show and something they would watch together. She died when he was 18 (6 years ago). Being single, he won't be able to audition, but he could be an audience member.
However he makes a connection when his hotel's concierge brings him pizza and they play Monopoly to take his mind off things. What follows are 2 strangers who have a connection and share things that they haven't been about to share with other people. After Leo loses his job, they decide to fake a relationship to audition for Madcap Market. Both really could use the grand prize of 100,000.
Both characters compliment each other. Through his relationship with Leo, he finally realizes he needs to deal with his grief over his mother's death; he never really dealt with it. Lust happens quickly and you could say they fall in love with each other quickly too. The game show component is about the last 1/3 of the book. Holden also learns this: "Happiness is something we make for ourselves."

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