Saturday, November 2, 2024

Review: If I Stopped Haunting You

If I Stopped Haunting You If I Stopped Haunting You by Colby Wilkens
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This book had some controversy in regards to the author. I included links below if interested.
This is about the book.
Penelope is a writer. She's got writer's block and goes to a writing retreat in an attempt to unblock and find inspiration. Neil is also a writer and is at the same retreat. The problem? They hate each other. Who doesn't like a good enemies to lovers story?
This was/is my problem. I didn't particularly like either character. While Penelope brought up some good points, that got lost in her shitty behavior. She's supposed to be almost 30, but she behaves like a teenager. She doesn't grow as the book progresses. I found I just could not get over/forgive Penelope's abusive behavior at the beginning of the book. What she did was assault. (At the very beginning of the book, she threw a book at Neil, striking him on the head and giving him a scar.) If it had been reversed, and it was Neil who threw the book at Penelope, would you have viewed this any differently?
A generous 2. I did finish it.

And now the author controversy:
Smart Bitches had a fantastic write-up:

View all my reviews

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