Sunday, December 29, 2024

Review: Wreck the Halls

Wreck the Halls Wreck the Halls by Tessa Bailey
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Melody and Beat are the children of rock stars (their mothers).  Their mothers were in a band together and split before either were born.  They meet for the first time as teens (16).  Melody was an awkward teen and was bullied & made fun of on social media.  Beat was loved on social media and could do no wrong.  They reunite 14 years later in an attempt to reunite their mothers (and in Beat's case make some $$ to pay off a blackmailer).
I thought the reason for Beat's blackmail was sad since it wasn't something he could control nor was it something he personally did (and was just wrong to begin with).  
When all said and done, this was a bit slow.  I didn't like or dislike either main character; I ultimately didn't care where their story went.  What was confusing was the impact both had on each other at 16 and no one even texted the other in 14 years?

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