Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Review: Booked for the Holidays

Booked for the Holidays Booked for the Holidays by Liz Maverick
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Abi works in publishing and her favorite author (of a cozy mystery series) is missing her deadline for the last book in her popular series. So, she jumps at the chance to go and coach her to make the deadline. Abi shows up at her house. No appointment. Dov, the grandson is the one to answer the door.
The author is over 90 and Abi never stops to think she died (Dov looks sad and a bit stressed), she was a bit (dare I say it?) stupid. So, to say things aren't quite what they seem is very accurate.
Anyway, Dov is planning on finishing the book. Abi offers her help. They both have different ways to approach and it takes time for them to learn how to work together.
This was okay. Not great, it didn't suck. The romance was eh.

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