Saturday, December 14, 2024

Review: Just for the Holidays...

Just for the Holidays... Just for the Holidays... by Adriana Herrera
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I've enjoyed this author's Dreamers series.  In the mood for a holiday themed romance, I selected this one.  I was a bit disappointed.
Perla is from a family involved in the entertainment business (her dad owned a production company).  When her father died, things became strained with her mother and brother since her dad gave his company to Perla's half sister and she got close to her (Esmeralda).  Perla is now VP of global casting and talent acquisition.  Her ex, Gael is a world famous movie star and in the running for the lead in a production they are doing.  They meet again since Perla is in charge of casting a part that would be perfect for him.  
Full disclosure; I don't mind second chance romances, but they aren't my favorite.  I really don't think Gael groveled enough or owned the reason why he originally split from Perla.  He broke up with her at his uncle's (Manolo) urging because was too shy, plain, and would hold him back from a fabulous movie career.   What a shitty reason.  
Even more annoying, he goes on to said fabulous movie career and dating life.  While Perla does grow into herself and finds herself, no other guy will do, so she's remained celibate and rarely dated.  Yeah.  Fuck that.  Why couldn't she happily date too?
So, yep, this didn't really work for me.  

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