Saturday, October 19, 2024

Review: Dalliances & Devotion

Dalliances & Devotion Dalliances & Devotion by Felicia Grossman
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Amalia is on her way back home to Delaware to claim her part of the family fortune.  She needs the money for her charity which helps women divorce abusive or negligent spouses.  She also happens to be divorced herself (twice) and knows how hard it is.  She also writes a beauty column.  
David is an ex-soldier turned Pinkerton agent with eyes on a promotion.  He also has a history with Amalia, she was his first love.  As things are wont to do, things happened and they went their separate ways.  Now he is her bodyguard since she has gotten some threats and will accompany her back to DE.  
I had a hard time getting into this.  Amalia came across (at first) as shallow and it just took too long for me to see that she wasn't.  David was pretty decent.  This is the second in a series (the first was Amalia's parents' story), but works just fine as a stand-alone.  

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