Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Review: Booked for the Holidays

Booked for the Holidays Booked for the Holidays by Liz Maverick
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Abi works in publishing and her favorite author (of a cozy mystery series) is missing her deadline for the last book in her popular series. So, she jumps at the chance to go and coach her to make the deadline. Abi shows up at her house. No appointment. Dov, the grandson is the one to answer the door.
The author is over 90 and Abi never stops to think she died (Dov looks sad and a bit stressed), she was a bit (dare I say it?) stupid. So, to say things aren't quite what they seem is very accurate.
Anyway, Dov is planning on finishing the book. Abi offers her help. They both have different ways to approach and it takes time for them to learn how to work together.
This was okay. Not great, it didn't suck. The romance was eh.

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Monday, December 30, 2024

Review: To Do List

To Do List To Do List by Lauren Dane
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Belle is a lawyer who has worked 80 hour weeks for the previous year to get ahead in her law firm. She wants the corner office with a view. One of the partners gives her a hard time when she goes on vacation for 5 days (for Christmas). She's slacking! She has a large supportive family who love and worry about her. She has also had a crush on her brother's best friend, Rafe for years. Rafe has also liked Belle and plans to do something about it.
I did like that this was not one of those "I can't, he is my brother's best friend!" or "I can't, she's my best friend's sister!" This was short, sweet, and spicy. The romance worked because of their prior friendship. Each chapter alternates between points of view.

Review: The [Fake] Dating Game

The [Fake] Dating Game The [Fake] Dating Game by Timothy Janovsky
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Holden's long term boyfriend recently broke-up with him. He decides, since the trip he planned for both of them are nonrefundable, to go ahead and go to LA. It starts off horribly; his luggage is lost, the hotel smells, and someone he thought would remain a friend is most definitely not. His ultimate goal was to be on the show, Madcap Market. MM was his mother's (and his) favorite show and something they would watch together. She died when he was 18 (6 years ago). Being single, he won't be able to audition, but he could be an audience member.
However he makes a connection when his hotel's concierge brings him pizza and they play Monopoly to take his mind off things. What follows are 2 strangers who have a connection and share things that they haven't been about to share with other people. After Leo loses his job, they decide to fake a relationship to audition for Madcap Market. Both really could use the grand prize of 100,000.
Both characters compliment each other. Through his relationship with Leo, he finally realizes he needs to deal with his grief over his mother's death; he never really dealt with it. Lust happens quickly and you could say they fall in love with each other quickly too. The game show component is about the last 1/3 of the book. Holden also learns this: "Happiness is something we make for ourselves."

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Review: My Mistletoe Beau

My Mistletoe Beau My Mistletoe Beau by Anna Bennett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 rounded up
Eva and Jack meet when Eva breaks into Jack's residence looking for her father's treasured watch. Her father had wagered it on a game of cards and lost (to his regret). Unbeknownst to her, Jack blames her parents for his father's unhappiness. Long story short, his father was in love with and engaged to Eva's mother. But her mother was in love with someone else (her father) so they ran away and eloped. Jack's father became a recluse.
At their meeting, sparks fly and a bargain is made. One watch in exchange for being his fake fiance. But of course Feelings develop!
I did like this, but I thought Jack and his dad got over the years of hurt really fast (after one conversation). That was quick. Likable characters and I could believe the romance.

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Review: Christmas at Dewberry Hollow

Christmas at Dewberry Hollow Christmas at Dewberry Hollow by Amelia Grey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Isabelle (the granddaughter of a viscount) helps her mother run an inn. The inn belonged to her father and has a long storied history. Funds are tight and a duke's visit is welcomed. Isabelle helps where she can and teaches village girls to read. While she is out trying to hunt a deer, she meets Gate.
Isabelle accidentally shoots one of Gate's guardsmen. Luckily, he will be fine.
This was well paced and had enjoyable characters. I could see them together and I liked that Gate was the one to move.

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Review: Wreck the Halls

Wreck the Halls Wreck the Halls by Tessa Bailey
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Melody and Beat are the children of rock stars (their mothers).  Their mothers were in a band together and split before either were born.  They meet for the first time as teens (16).  Melody was an awkward teen and was bullied & made fun of on social media.  Beat was loved on social media and could do no wrong.  They reunite 14 years later in an attempt to reunite their mothers (and in Beat's case make some $$ to pay off a blackmailer).
I thought the reason for Beat's blackmail was sad since it wasn't something he could control nor was it something he personally did (and was just wrong to begin with).  
When all said and done, this was a bit slow.  I didn't like or dislike either main character; I ultimately didn't care where their story went.  What was confusing was the impact both had on each other at 16 and no one even texted the other in 14 years?

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Saturday, December 28, 2024

Review: The Christmas Wager

The Christmas Wager The Christmas Wager by Holly Cassidy
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Bella works at a real estate company and is very driven. She wants her own office. In order to get a promotion, she has to get the owner of a building in a small CO town to sell. This building is historic and has been in the family for years in addition to it being a family business. They sell Christmas ornaments. Bella was born and raised in a small town so she knows about being up in everyone else's business. Oh and it is one week before Christmas. Bella happens to hate Christmas (her father walked out when she was 10 right before Christmas).
Jesse, an electrician, is the owner's grandson. He didn't want to go into the family business, so his grandfather took over again when his parents were killed in a car accident. He also loves Christmas.
This was a fun enemies to friends to lovers story. Bella and Jesse find comfort in each other that they haven't in others. Both come to different realizations with what they want in their careers as well. I thought the Christmas challenge organized by the town's seniors was unique.

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Review: Only Santas in the Building

Only Santas in the Building Only Santas in the Building by Alexis Daria
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Evie recently moved into a new apartment and hasn't had much opportunity to decorate it. Someone starts to leave handmade Christmas ornaments on her door. The gifts do not come with a note. She has a crush on her upstairs neighbor, Theo. Theo is handsome, smart, and sweet. However, when they've run into each other, she's had her baggy sweats on.
This was well paced; I got a good feel for Evie. Both Evie and Theo have good conversations about their feelings and I could see them together.

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Thursday, December 19, 2024

Review: Merriment and Mayhem

Merriment and Mayhem Merriment and Mayhem by Alexandria Bellefleur
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Everleigh is in town to fix up and sell her grandma's house.  Problem is Everleigh is a bit of a disaster.  Set fire to the kitchen?  Check.  Fall off a ladder and cling for her life on the gutter?  Check.  Each time her neighbor calls 911 and the fire department comes out.  She is assisted each time by Griffin, a hunky, sweet firefighter.  
What follows is a sweet romance when someone, who is alone, realizes they don't want to be anymore.  It helps too, that this someone can work anywhere as long as there is internet.  I enjoyed this one.  The best so far in this collection.  

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Monday, December 16, 2024

Review: All by My Elf

All by My Elf All by My Elf by Olivia Dade
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Nina and William are both adjunct professors at the local college. Together, with another friend, they take a job during the holidays while on winter break. Nina has a crush on Williams and vice versa. Each finds out about the mutual attraction while stuck together in the company van during a snow storm.
This was kinda boring and for awhile there I thought Claudia had a thing for William too. Thankfully, that wasn't the case. And did I say this was kinda boring?

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Review: Merry Ever After

Merry Ever After Merry Ever After by Tessa Bailey
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

vie, a single mom from Chicago, decided to settle in a town that she and her mom visited once while she was growing up. She works at the local thrift store and lives above it. The owners also let her sell her clothing there that she makes from recycled clothing. It is there that she meets Luke, a local farmer who happens to be super tall. Unable to find jeans that fit him, Evie makes him a pair.
Evie and Luke's relationship goes from zero to 180. Nicely, there is an epilogue that gives a glimpse 7 years in the future which was nice.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Review: Just for the Holidays...

Just for the Holidays... Just for the Holidays... by Adriana Herrera
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I've enjoyed this author's Dreamers series.  In the mood for a holiday themed romance, I selected this one.  I was a bit disappointed.
Perla is from a family involved in the entertainment business (her dad owned a production company).  When her father died, things became strained with her mother and brother since her dad gave his company to Perla's half sister and she got close to her (Esmeralda).  Perla is now VP of global casting and talent acquisition.  Her ex, Gael is a world famous movie star and in the running for the lead in a production they are doing.  They meet again since Perla is in charge of casting a part that would be perfect for him.  
Full disclosure; I don't mind second chance romances, but they aren't my favorite.  I really don't think Gael groveled enough or owned the reason why he originally split from Perla.  He broke up with her at his uncle's (Manolo) urging because was too shy, plain, and would hold him back from a fabulous movie career.   What a shitty reason.  
Even more annoying, he goes on to said fabulous movie career and dating life.  While Perla does grow into herself and finds herself, no other guy will do, so she's remained celibate and rarely dated.  Yeah.  Fuck that.  Why couldn't she happily date too?
So, yep, this didn't really work for me.  

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Thursday, December 12, 2024

Review: Cruel Winter with You

Cruel Winter with You Cruel Winter with You by Ali Hazelwood
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This was okay.  Jamie is a pediatrician in her residency and is home for Christmas.  Her dad sends her to their neighbors to borrow a pan.  Said neighbors are long-time friends; only Marc is the only one home as his parents and sister (and Jamie's best friend) are away somewhere warm.  Marc has been in love with Jamie since he was a teenager (and vice versa).
I had issues with both characters.  Jamie was too insecure and too much of a people pleaser (she walked over in a snowstorm to borrow a fucking pan because daddy dearest told her too).   Marc was an asshole as a child (and was brushed off because he was smart & being a guy; I doubt had it been his sister doing these things, it wouldn't have been tolerated).  Anyway, about several months ago, he confessed his feelings to Jamie and she shot him down (insecure).  They talk and are together by the end of this.  The pacing was good and we learned what we needed to know in flashbacks.  

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Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Review: Heartstopper: Volume Five

Heartstopper: Volume Five Heartstopper: Volume Five by Alice Oseman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Charlie is doing better after getting treatment for his eating disorder.  Nick is struggling with what university to apply to; he wants to stay close to Charlie.  Charlie struggles with the possibility that after this next school year, he and Nick might be doing the long distance thing.  
They also want to take things further in their relationship and start to experiment with what they like.   Charlie learns that he doesn't only need Nick, but he can rely on others too.  He gains some confidence with being asked to play drugs in a band and apply for head boy at school.  Nick, too, realizes that he needs to think of himself and go to the university that best fits him.  
Charlie's sister Tori, has a confession in this one.

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Monday, December 9, 2024

Review: Act Your Age, Eve Brown

Act Your Age, Eve Brown Act Your Age, Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Eve is the youngest Brown sister.  She hops from job to job when things get difficult.  As a result, she sees herself a a failure.  Her sisters are settled into jobs/careers that they like and that fit them.  When her parents give her an ultimatum, she runs and applies for a chef job on a spur of the moment.  Further complicating things, she hits her soon-to-be boss, Jacob, with her car (accidentally of course).
Eve gradually finds herself and something she loves to do.  Jacob, who was abandoned as a child by his parents (and raised by an aunt (if I remember correctly) and has autism, tells things like they are and has a tendency to make other people uncomfortable.  He finds a soul mate in Eve, he doesn't have to censor himself or worry about her.  She accepts him for who he is.  And Eve finds her self-confidence and someone who accepts her, just as she is.
I also liked Chloe and Dani's (and their partners) appearances in this too.  

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Friday, December 6, 2024

Review: A Classic Case

A Classic Case A Classic Case by Alicia Thompson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Audrey decides to check in on the welfare of an older gentleman she always sees on the same day and same time at her local video rental store. Because on this particular day, he was not there. She was worried about him.
Interesting mystery. No one is killed or harmed. Mr Hoffman's "disappearance" has a normal, logical reason (and no, it isn't he is at the hospital). Hint of romance between Audrey and Grant (who owns the video store).

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Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...