Monday, June 24, 2024

Review: Hope Flames

Hope Flames Hope Flames by Jaci Burton
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Emma has returned home at 32 to set up her own veterinary practice.  She hasn't dated in years.  She has an abusive ex-boyfriend in her past.  Luke is a police officer and has a canine partner.  He doesn't date either, having no use for women after his ex-wife (well, except for sex and he is a fan of the one night stand- sounds like a gem, right?  And the ex had different goals and wants, so she's a bitch- because of course she is!).  
Anyway, typical small town romance.  Everyone knows everyone's business, gossip is strong.  And if one isn't into the "small town atmosphere" and wants more, well, they are a horrible person or are hiding something!  Well, the women are anyway (Luke's ex Becca, Emma's sister Molly).  No such shade is thrown in Reid's direction (the younger brother of Luke and Logan who left to pursue school and his career).  Emma and Luke are decent enough, if a bit vanilla, bland.  They do have decent chemistry.  The secondary characters (those we "meet"- Logan, Carter, and those we don't- Reid, Molly) didn't jump out at me and I don't have any burning curiosity to read further.  
Ripped Bodice Summer Bingo- Cover has an animal on it

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