My rating: 4 of 5 stars
3.5* rounded up
Serafina (Sera) was a foster kid. She now co-owns a business with her 2 best friends; Liberty and Poppy. Sera's part of the business is a Bookstore (in a new age type store since Poppy's sells and makes teas, Liberty does tarot readings) and she handmakes journals (her hobby) to sell. Her journals seem to be special; good things happen to those that buy them and the store gets popular after someone famous buys one and comes to new success. Sera also found a close friendship with an older gentleman, Ford, who was a bookbinder and fixed old books. He told her new techniques for her journals.
This picks up after Ford's death when he leaves her some of his old books. Except Ford's estranged grandson Wes, is mad because he thought he should have been left the books. Wes was an utter asshole when they first met. Thankfully, he does realize that and apologizes. I liked their interactions and how they gradually opened up; she had issues due to being in foster with numerous different placements. He had an issue with abandonment (his parents divorced and his mother took he and his brother Oz and they didn't;t get to see their dad. Then, suddenly they could and their mom left with no further communication. Once in father's custody, they didn't see him because he was working all the time). Both characters were in mid to late 20s and had no previous serious relationship experience. The misunderstanding was stupid, but luckily didn't drag on too long.
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