Sunday, May 12, 2024

Review: Sweep of the Blade

Sweep of the Blade Sweep of the Blade by Ilona Andrews
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Why did it take me so long to pick this up after reading the previous??? Anyway, this is Maud's (Dina's sister) story. Maud was previously married to a vampire. Melizard was scheming and betrayed his House and exiled with Maud and their daughter to a lawless planet. He was later killed because he betrayed the wrong people. This previous book details Dina coming to Maud's aid and the reunitment of siblings (they do not know the whereabouts of their brother Klaus or parents). There is fight at Dina's inn, Arland and Maud start to fall in love.
In this one, Maud travels with Arland to his home world and meets his vampire House. This is full of vampire politics, the knowledge of what will cause disrespect or respect, etc. I really liked Arland's acceptance of Helen, Maud's 5 year old daughter. I did think Helen seemed older than 5. It was pretty awesome seeing Maud's realization she was good enough for Arland. I would have liked a love scene beyond the fade to black one we did get.

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