Saturday, May 4, 2024

Review: Dirty Sexy Saint

Dirty Sexy Saint Dirty Sexy Saint by Carly Phillips
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Samantha runs away from her father's house to avoid marriage to a man she doesn't love, but one her dad likes and wants to take over his company.  (I usually find these story-lines so annoying; why couldn't the daughter take over the company?  Oh wait, she's not a man).  She's in her mid 20s and hasn't really done much on her own.
Clay (Saint) owns a bar.  Sam gets drunk at his bar (so smart) and throws up (so sexy) from all that ETOH.  He lets her stay with him since she doesn't have a place to stay or money.  She also starts to work as a waitress at the bar.  He wants her, but shouldn't (he likes it dirty).  But, wait, she likes it dirty too.  Just okay.  

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