Saturday, February 1, 2020

Lord of Lies


Lord of Lies - Amy Sandas

This was better than the 2nd book. This completes the sister's stories. Book 1 was Emma's, 2 was Lily's, and this one was Portia's. I think to really understand the story-lines, books need to be read in order since they are all taking place at the same time.
Dell is the person Angelique and Portia hire to find Lily. Portia wants something more and realizes she is capable of sleuthing/disguise. This leads to Dell letting her assist in her investigation into finding Hale's daughter. I liked the romance between the 2 and thought they complemented each other very well.


Nathan Hale's daughter is found and she is attached to a boy that she wouldn't let go, so Nathan takes him in to. The boy is not given a name (not that I remember), but it definitely is relayed he has a story. And then nothing happens in regards to finding out who this boy is (it's mentioned his clothing is fine and it's suspected he is from the upper class). 


I read this for Romance-opoly Past Eaves Sun track

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