Monday, February 10, 2020

Stillhouse Lake


Stillhouse Lake - Rachel Caine

Unbeknownst to Gina, her husband (Melvin/Mel) tortured and killed women right under her nose. He is now in jail. She was also accused of being an accomplice and was on trial and found not guilty at the end. That didn't stop her being being threatened online/in-person. So, she invented new identities for her herself and kids and when chapter 1 starts they are on the 8th (I think) new place to live/identity.
The prequel chapter hooked me and I had a really hard time putting this down. Gina is now Gwen and Lily & Brady are now Atlanta (Lanny) & Conner. I thought this did a good job at showing the negatives of the internet and how easy it was/is to threaten and harass anyone and anybody. I did have some frustration at Gwen in the beginning- I thought she was too overprotective/secretive to the point of smothering. Lanny and Conner at 14 and 11 I thought were old enough to be shown some of the threats to gain some perspective of what they were up against.
Gwen does gain some friendships that will continue to blossom if she stays. While there are answers here, there is a cliffhanger that sets up the next book.


She learns Melvin has escaped prison. Lancel (a cop) was the copycat and had correspondence with Melvin and the hacker. He also involved his 2 young boys (around 11 and 13)- unknown if they helped with the torture/murder of the 2 women.


I read this for romance-opoly Killer Crescent moon track square

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