Monday, January 27, 2020

The Deal


The Deal - Elle Kennedy

I'm surprised by how much I liked this one.
Garrett is failing 1 class that should have been easy to pass. He plays on the hockey team and needs a min GPA to stay on it. Hannah is acing the class so he talks her into tutoring him by going on a date with her to make her crush interested.
This was a great enemies to lovers romance. I loved the banter back and forth. Both are dealing with traumas of their past and I thought that was dealt with in a realistic way. I liked the secondary characters too. The only thing that irked me was Garrett's father paying his tuition. Realistically, since he was good and was probably going to make it to the pros after graduation, I'm pretty sure he would have had a full ride scholarship to play college hockey. At the least tuition (which father paid) and probably room and board too (which he worked summer jobs to save up for to pay). So, the threat of withholding money by his dad felt manufactured.
For romance-opoly Campus Corner moon track

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