Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Undateable


The Undateable - Sarah Title

Bernie is a librarian. She was photographed one day making a face during a marriage proposal (one of her student workers). This became a meme- "Disappointing Librarian." Enter Colin, a staff writer for an online fashion magazine. Through the magazine, she is offered a make-over and 30 dates in 30 days to prove she is not undateable.
I really enjoyed this. I liked both Bernie and Colin. I liked Bernie's feminist voice and how she called out certain things. I thought she grew throughout the book and did certain things/adapted things because she realized she liked it. I also liked how some of Colin's viewpoints changed once he got to know Bernie. This was a bit of enemies to friends to lovers. Their transition to each was gradual.
I read this for Romance-opoly Post Office square sun track

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