Sunday, January 5, 2020

Passing Strange


Passing Strange - Ellen Klages

This took me a little bit of time to figure out. This opens in modern day San Fran with Helen selling a painting by Haskel. This painting is Haskel's last known work before disappearing. This then returns to 1940s San Fran. Franny, Babs, Helen, Haskel (Loretta), and Helen are all a group of lesbian friends. Franny and Babs are a couple. This book is about Haskel and Emily's story. Things happen. Franny has some ability to do magic and so does Haskel. Haskel's ability is mentioned in the last part of the book. Overall, this was unexpected and the result was a surprise.
Even in modern times, the assumption is Haskel was a man. I would have liked more on the magical ability.
Romance-opoly WInter Square for Sun

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