Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Top Secret


Top Secret - Elle Kennedy, Sarina Bowen

3.5* rounded up
I was pleasantly surprised since this was new adult and I generally don't care for NA. I enjoyed this and will read these authors again.
Keaton is in a relationship with Annika. They've been together 5-6 years having been high school sweethearts (the book said 5 & 6 years at different places). Annika asks for a threesome which leaves Keaton to an ap (yes, there's an ap for that!) to search for someone. He matches with someone and unbeknownst to him it's someone he knows, but doesn't like.
Luke grew up poor and has a scholarship to college. It doesn't cover room and board so he works (as a stripper at a ladies bar and bar tends). His dad is not involved, his mom is a moocher, and his older brother is a felon. He rushed the frat to have someplace to live that he could afford. Keaton, on the other hand, is rich and doesn't know what it's like to not know where his next meal is coming from. I liked the dynamics between each and how wrong their first impressions were.
Keaton stands up to his family and goes for what he wants as does Luke. The only thing I didn't like was Keaton was in a relationship for the first 40% of the book and he was chatting up Luke while Annika knew nothing about it. This kept this book from being a 4*. It's one of those gray areas cheating or not cheating (IMO I thought kinda was- some won't see it that way, but I think it was because Annika didn't know about it and there were feelings involved. No physical act.).
This was a nice enemies to lovers story.
For Romance-opoly Lovers Lane Sun track.

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