Sunday, February 23, 2020

Heart of the Wolf


Heart of the Wolf - Terry Spear

Bella was taken in by the gray pack when her family was killed. She flees the gray pack after their alpha, Volan, tries to force her to mate with him. Bella has lived on her own for 150+ years when this story picks up.
I thought the zoo thing was funny and unique. The whole gray/red wolf differences/hierarchy. Those are the things I liked about this book. You've got an asshole (Volan) trying to force himself on someone who doesn't want it (but it's the wolf's way!). You've got a woman (Bella) who has remained chaste and a virgin for her "one true mate" for 150+ years. The "one true mate" (Devlyn) who hasn't. The whole, "I want you, but I can't!" trope.
Thanks for the remainder- "good" woman don't have sex for pleasure/because they want to and the moment is right/etc with anyone but the "one." The guy? Free pass!
I read reviews for #2 and it sounds like completely new characters. So maybe I'll give this series another chance....maybe.
I read this for Romance-opoly Fated Folly sun track

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Pack Enforcer (this is the new title for the reissue)


Enforcer  - Lauren Dane

Full disclosure:The "fated mate" trope is not my favorite. It can be done in a way that doesn't irritate me and in a way I like. This is not that book.
What not to do:
1. Not tell the full truth. Nina consented to sex. That's it. Not a mating bond. Lex knew what was going to happen and deliberately didn't tell her the full story. That should not be okay. It's not sexy, it's disgusting.
2. Make the women (and only the women) go crazy with the mating bond. But wait! They don't have to go cray-cray! Sex with a 2nd man (tri-bond) with fix it! That sounds *super sexy*!
3. Sacrifice the plot. It was an interesting one. Someone in the Pack has gone Rogue and is stealing and killing. Backstabbing! Treachery! But......let's not focus on the that. It's about the sexy times.


And the 3rd partner with Nina and Lex? Lex's brother Cade!


And I need to bleach my eyeballs.
I read this for Romance-opoly Fated Folly moon track.

Original post:

Thursday, February 20, 2020

A Big Surprise for Valentine's Day


A Big Surprise for Valentine's Day - Jackie Lau

The last book in this series about Amber the youngest Wong sibling. Amber has a history of dating assholes so she is on a no boyfriend kick. Sebastian is back in town to open his own practice. They met in a grocery store.
I could believe their romance. I think it helped they knew each other growing up (Sebastian was friends with Zach). I liked it when Sebastian stood up to his parents.

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Monday, February 17, 2020

I Am Princess X


I Am Princess X - Cherie Priest, Kali Ciesemier

Libby and May met when they were in the 5th grade and became fast friends. Together they created a comic called "I am Princess X." After Libby is killed in an auto accident, May gives up on the comic and Princess X is no more.
Fast forward about 3 years and May is now 16/17 and she notices Princess X everywhere (a sticker on a window, graffiti). Does this mean Libby is alive? Turns out there was more to the accident. And there are clues everywhere May looks. She enlists a boy in her building (who believes himself to be a computer hacker).
I did like the mix between traditional story/comic-graphic novel. I recognize May's a teen, but there were some things I thought she did/said/should have picked up on (like thinking her computer doesn't work- when it just needed to be plugged in to charge, really?!). This was a decent mystery and a good cast of characters. There was no romance in this one. Very much about friendships.
I read this for Romance-opoly Post Office moon track

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Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Undateable


The Undateable - Sarah Title

Bernie is a librarian. She was photographed one day making a face during a marriage proposal (one of her student workers). This became a meme- "Disappointing Librarian." Enter Colin, a staff writer for an online fashion magazine. Through the magazine, she is offered a make-over and 30 dates in 30 days to prove she is not undateable.
I really enjoyed this. I liked both Bernie and Colin. I liked Bernie's feminist voice and how she called out certain things. I thought she grew throughout the book and did certain things/adapted things because she realized she liked it. I also liked how some of Colin's viewpoints changed once he got to know Bernie. This was a bit of enemies to friends to lovers. Their transition to each was gradual.
I read this for Romance-opoly Post Office square sun track

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Friday, February 14, 2020

A Fake Girlfriend for Chinese New Year


A Fake Girlfriend for Chinese New Year - Jackie Lau

This was a short and sweet story about a friends to lovers romance. Both Jo and Zach had previous serious relationships that didn't work out and each had their heart broken. They became friends over their shared misery/mourning. Fast forward a few years and Jo has a crush on Zach. It isn't until Zach needs a fake girlfriend to get his parents off his back that he begins to realize he has feelings too. (In the first book, the Wongs set each kid up with a date).
The Pictionary scene was hilarious and my fav part of the book.

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Thursday, February 13, 2020

Murder on Bamboo Lane


Murder on Bamboo Lane - Naomi Hirahara

Ellie is a LAPD bicycle cop with dreams of becoming a detective. Her aunt happens to be high up on the hierarchy at the LAPD. Her dad is quietly supportive, her mother didn't support her becoming a cop (like her aunt). She has a close group of friends (of which her newly ex-boyfriend is also a part). When a former classmate is murdered, Ellie is drawn into the investigation.
I really enjoyed this one and I liked Ellie's growth and her ability to note her mistakes (and learn from them). I also thought it was realistic to admire a relative, but then to see them in action up close they weren't as perfect as thought to be (and acknowledge that). I wish this was a longer series (only 2 books).
I read this for Romance-opoly Killer Crescent sun track square

Original post:

Monday, February 10, 2020

Stillhouse Lake


Stillhouse Lake - Rachel Caine

Unbeknownst to Gina, her husband (Melvin/Mel) tortured and killed women right under her nose. He is now in jail. She was also accused of being an accomplice and was on trial and found not guilty at the end. That didn't stop her being being threatened online/in-person. So, she invented new identities for her herself and kids and when chapter 1 starts they are on the 8th (I think) new place to live/identity.
The prequel chapter hooked me and I had a really hard time putting this down. Gina is now Gwen and Lily & Brady are now Atlanta (Lanny) & Conner. I thought this did a good job at showing the negatives of the internet and how easy it was/is to threaten and harass anyone and anybody. I did have some frustration at Gwen in the beginning- I thought she was too overprotective/secretive to the point of smothering. Lanny and Conner at 14 and 11 I thought were old enough to be shown some of the threats to gain some perspective of what they were up against.
Gwen does gain some friendships that will continue to blossom if she stays. While there are answers here, there is a cliffhanger that sets up the next book.


She learns Melvin has escaped prison. Lancel (a cop) was the copycat and had correspondence with Melvin and the hacker. He also involved his 2 young boys (around 11 and 13)- unknown if they helped with the torture/murder of the 2 women.


I read this for romance-opoly Killer Crescent moon track square

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Sunday, February 9, 2020

No One Knows


No One Knows - J.T. Ellison

Husband disappears (Josh), Aubrey is arrested and ultimately released for lack of evidence. Fast forward 5 years, Aubrey's mother in law (Daisy) is moving to have Josh declared dead. He also has a 5 million life insurance policy.
Lots of going back and forth between present and past. Lots of narratives (Josh, Daisy, Chase, and the main one- Aubrey). Aubrey's got the tragic backstory (orphaned, foster care kid, poor). She lacked a backbone and continued to tolerate toxic people- her (foster) brother Tyler and MIL Daisy. Daisy hated Aubrey (and for no good reason except she didn't like Aubrey's mom when she was alive). Daisy was the stereotypical MIL, but dialed up to 100 (was that really necessary?). The whole "poor me" got on my nerves.
And just as I thought I know everything there was THAT TWIST. Really?! And then the epilogue. Geez Louise. I still have questions that really weren't answered (what was Megan's deal?)
(I thought this would fit a category for Romance-opoly, but sadly it doesn't).

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Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...