Monday, May 27, 2019

Turn Up the Heat


Turn Up the Heat - Kimberly Kincaid

Bethany's BF broke up with her by announcing he is moving to the West Coast....on TV (he is an anchorman).  So, she decided to get out of dodge for the weekend with her 2 BFFs.  But, of course she encounters a problem.  Her car breaks down.  Enter Shane.  A sexy (of course!) mechanic with a Secret of his own.  (Ohhh...what is it?!).  We find out right away he is struggling to pay off a loan.

I thought Shane was a judgmental asshole.  See, in his oh-so-humble opinion, city women are rich, spoiled bitches.  I found it annoying a man calling a woman "sweetheart" at first meeting gross.  I don't want it in real life, and I don't want to read about it.  It took the whole book for me to warm up to him.  

I liked Bethany and thought she was able to dish it right back.  When it came to Shane's Secret- lame.  So very lame.  I didn't like that he shared some of his story with Jackson- before Bethany.  Epic fail dude.


I also thought (since this applies to both of them) they read as younger than 29 (Shane) and 27 (Bethany).  I can understand going to college and deciding (while still in college) to do something else.  But to decide to make a career out of something you don't love, purely to make your parents happy?  (Shane was a lawyer, Bethany a MBA for a real estate firm). Lame.  And that tired into Shane's Secret- he was struggling to pay off his student loans.  But, conflict solved when daddy dearest pays them off.



Booklikes-opoly:  rolled a 4 for square 19- read a book >50% blue cover.  338pgs- $4.  Bank $30

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