Monday, May 27, 2019

Perfectly Matched


Perfectly Matched - Heather Webber

Lucy is currently trying to learn more about her abilities and maybe expand on her abilities to find things. I enjoyed the name Diviner Whiner. It certainly fit. This is a group of other psychics (Annie, Graham, Dr Paul) put together by Orlinda (who was introduced in the last book). On first appearance, it certainly appears the others are stronger in their "powers" than Lucy.
The cast of characters are here in this one; Dovie, Em, Marisol, Preston. Sean still was keeping secrets (which was annoying), but opened up more. I loved the addition of Ebbie. I liked the mystery and other things that came out in the course of the book. However, the end was a bit of a cliffhanger with Em's fiance Aiden.
And now for the spoilers:


Preston is pregnant and now engaged to Cutter. The arsonist was Graham who targeted Lucy because- jealousy! Lucy determined she can also use scents to zero in on people. Aiden is a father to a 18 month old whose mother is missing.



Rolled 11 for booklikes-opoly which lands on #16- read a mystery.  $3 

Bank: $26

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