Monday, May 27, 2019

Animal Magnetism


Animal Magnetism - Jill Shalvis

Lilah runs the only kennel/rescue in small town Sunshine, ID. Brady was adopted as a teen by a rancher who also adopted Dell and Adam. The 3 of them grew close and while they still kept in touch, Brady opted into the military. After his military stint, he flew privately (and of course the missions were dangerous ones). With Adam and Dell's request, he takes a month off to spend time with them in Sunshine. 
Lilah and Brady have an interesting first meeting. I liked Lilah, she is a true animal lover and got attached very easily. Both have Issues that need to be worked out. This being Romancelandia is all works out. While that was very cookie cutter and predictable in its plot, this was still an enjoyable read. I thought the animal personalities made this book more fun. Dell and Adam get their stories in books 2 and 3.
Booklikes-opoly: Rolled a 6: Read a book set in hometown, state, etc.  295 pgs $3 = $23 in bank


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