Monday, July 10, 2017

Vampires Gone Wild


Vampires Gone Wild (Supernatural Underground) -  Amanda Arista,  Kim Falconer,  Pamela Palmer, Kerrelyn Sparks

V is for VampWoman 2*
Pam wants to try and help fight the Malcontents. In the past, she has been afraid and cowardly. 
Now she wants to change that. Mikhail has secretly admired Pam from afar (but thought she was vain/selfish, etc). 
I used to really like this series. But as it has gone on (and on), I've just lost interest. This series was one of the first paranormals I read, so it will always have a special place in my heart. There are other series that I've liked more. I found myself not really caring. 

A Forever Love 3* 
Elizabeth meet Lucas and they dated. Always seeing him at night, waking up in the morning and he would be gone. Then he just disappears. Fast forward 2 years. She has dated, but no one (of course!!!!) can compare to Lucas. There are people disappearing randomly in the DC area. Elizabeth becomes one of them. 
This was interesting with the alternative DC that parallels the real one. It turns out, this was made for vampires and the magic is failing. This has lead to the vampires who where there being trapped there; when the magic failed, which included Lucas. This is also why random people are disappearing. Not much of the plot is spent elaborating on this. What the fuck is up with that ending?! I deducted for that ending. 

First Dates Are Hell 3.5*
Could tell this one was part of a series (I've read book 1 and decided to not read the other 2). There was definitely a history between Val (Valiance) and Violet. Val meets Esme while buying sheets. It turns out Esme is fae and most people don't see her/overlook her. She doesn't know she is fae and handled it well. Interesting first date, well paced, lots of action. 

Blood and Water 3*
This started out very interesting. Interesting concept- mermen/mermaids, but need blood to be able to walk on land. Takes place in San Francisco, right before the earthquake in 1906. Decent build-up and pacing, but I would have liked more information (Stellan is very interested in the Golden Gate Bridge). It started out well, but I thought it was rushed and thus fizzled at the end.


RippedBodiceBingo:  anthology!

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