Monday, July 17, 2017

Eye Candy


Eye Candy (Real Love) - Jessica Lemmon

Jackie and Vince both work for (and share the VP duties) of a marketing firm in Columbus, Ohio. Both were married and went through divorce. They became friends after Vince went through his. Vince is attracted to Jackie, but feels he has been put in the "friend zone." Jackie likes Vince, but feels he wouldn't be interested in her. Then, this hot jogger runs by Jackie's window at work most days and at the same time. She gets curious about him. Vince, in a moment of brightness (yes, sarcasm), decides she really, really needs to ask him (the jogger) out. 
Jackie does. Vince decided to "coach" her. See, this way he doesn't have to talk about......feelings. The most frustrating thing about this book was not talking about how they really felt. Some others issues too- while JT and Jackie were "dating" he was also seeing other people. But, that was construed as cheating. Jackie makes an assumption (a wrong one- shocker there) about Vince and then later Vince does the same thing to Jackie. 
Despite that, I was engaged in their story. I liked the writing. Once I started, it was hard to put down.

eARC courtesy of Random House Publishing Group (Loveswept) and NetGalley
Out July 25th

#rippedbodicebingo- I'm using this for the "The entire conflict could have been solved with one conversation" square. This would also work (if interested) for "Hero smells like some kind of tree." Vince "...who smells like a pine forest...." Kindle location 2643 

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