Saturday, July 22, 2017

The Earl and the Archeress


An Earl for the Archeress - Elizabeth E. Watson

Mariel ran away from her father to escape a marriage proposal. She enters an archery competition disguised as a boy. Robert, Lord Huntington, is also an excellent archer. After she loses in a tie, she runs. Robert, intrigued, looks for her. After learning her identity, he vows to protect her.
I really liked this. It's a retelling of Robin Hood. Both Robert and Mariel are well flushed out characters, strong, smart, and kind. Robert recognizes Mariel's education and archery ability and doesn't diminish it, but embraces it. 
What kind this from being a 5 star read for me was mainly Mariel's inability to trust in Robert. I understood from her background, but after so long it got old. Robert also took a long time to admit he loved her. Robert was also shot with an arrow in the arm during a raid. No further mention of it afterwards except when convenient for the plot. (I only point that out because the risk of infection during the time period and ouch!- but his abilities were not impaired in any way). Also, Robert's codpiece....not just decorative, but also storage! (I thought this was fun.....and I also rolled my eyes. More than once too!)
Good, likeable secondary characters, but (obviously) not well flushed out like the two main ones. The author did a good job: I HATED Harold Crawford and and William de Wendenal! I will have to see who book is about (if there is a book 2).
Recommended if you like awesome heroines (and heroes!)! 

eARC courtesy of Entangled Publishing and NetGalley
Street date: July 24th

RE: #rippedbodicebingo for the Non-Regency set historical!

Original post:

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