Monday, June 12, 2017

Taking Charge


Taking Charge - Ruth Cardello

Lucy, introduced earlier in this series, took a loan from someone with a questionable reputation. This individual takes advantage at a time where she is down. David falls in love at first sight. With Lucy and during a period where she was down.
I could have gotten on board with this. Instead, it just pissed me off. I'll start with Lucy. I got tired, so tired of her inner monologue. I really, really didn't see why David fell head over heels. Her self-esteem is so low, with little improvement throughout the book. She also puts up with a liar, who supposedly did all of the "for her own good." Bullshit. And that leads me to David.
I could have gotten behind David, but his behavior at times was stalker-ish. He also lied to Lucy. Repeatedly. When he had an opportunity to come clean, he lied again. He even involved her friend, Sarah. Presumably, "for her own good." And guess what? All is quickly forgiven.


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