Tuesday, June 6, 2017



Dazzling: The Diamond Trilogy, Book I (BookShots Flames) - Elizabeth Hayley, James Patterson

Siobhan is an artist who takes a hostess job at an upscale bar. Derick is a billionaire (aren't they all?) who patronizes the bar. Siobhan literally falls down (seriously- she HAS to be clumsy) in front of him. But wait! He catches her and is instantly interested.
This was predictable and boring. Luckily, this was short, so I didn't waste a lot of time on it or money (Thanks to the library!). It's also part of a trilogy- cliffhanger ahead! No HFN (much less a HEA). And guess what? I really don't care and won't be reading further.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1569069/dazzling

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