Friday, June 23, 2017


Boise, Idaho has a local, indie bookstore Rediscovered Books.  I got this in my email today.  They are branching out into publishing!  Granted, it's very locally focused, but will see where they go from there.  
Dear Friends,
Our bookshop has embarked on a new adventure.  We are opening a publishing division to produce hyper-local non-fiction books for kids, teens and adults.  We have been working with many local authors and the Boise State's Community Research Series and we know that we can be a strong advocate for local voices in Boise.  Rediscovered Publishing seeks to promote local voices that share the ideas, knowledge and history of what makes Boise this incredible and unique place.  We are planning on publishing 2-3 books each year, and we will be sure to tell you more about these books as they move from the drawing board to the hands of our readers.  Information about how to submit proposals and queries is here.
Laura & Bruce DeLaney


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The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...