Thursday, June 29, 2017

Home to You


Home to You - Robin Kaye

After experiencing life-altering changes, both Jax/Jack and Kendall escape to their small hometown. Neither one want anyone else to know they are there. They knew each other as children, having last seen the other 14 years ago. Both end up at the same cabin. 
This was good. Both have secrets and realize the life they had didn't fit either of them. Jax does omit who he is at the beginning. Kendall didn't recognize him. She gets to know him as Jack. (His name is Jackson, but was always known as Jax). I understood why he did as he did. Both characters were likeable and had good backstories. I also could see how they fell for each other, then giving each other space. I was a little disappointed at few of the secondary character's storylines: Addie and Jaime. There is something there, but was very unresolved.


Also works for Ripped Bodice Bingo:  Baking/Sweets described in delicious detail.  Kendall cooks and she cooks a lot. 

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Sunday, June 25, 2017

I really look forward to this every month

(Warning- some of the pictures posted sideways and I thought I saw a work around to fixing that; but now I can't find it, so apologies for the sideways pictures.  But I do know how to make them smaller (or larger).  


Just wanted to share this.  I subscribe to this book box every month.  June's theme was Cowboy.  I was telling my husband how well thought out the themes are each month.  

Here is the card that details what is in the book for that month:

There has always been a mix of ebook and paperbacks (ranging from trade to MMP)

Here are the ebooks.  

3 MMPs in this one.  Each comes with a "Dear Reader" letter.  One was autographed!

The bandana is from the Morgan Ranch series (Kate Pearce). 

Love this boot shot glass!

This cactus kit is a cool idea.  One that I might keep for myself, or gift it to someone.  I haven't decided.  Even came with a small spray bottle to mist the cactus once started. Can't forget the chili sucker!

I've subscribed to this since they started and I've enjoyed every box!  

I've subscribed to some of the book boxes (Fresh Fiction Box Not to Miss, Lit-Cube), but this is the only one I've kept every month.  Some of the other book boxes are YA. Ever After is not.  

Three authors are behind this box (Jeannie Lin, Shawntelle Madison, and Amanda Berry), I think that makes this box more interesting.  


(Just in case:  I wasn't paid for this review or box.  This box is purchased by yours truly) 

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A Royal Mess


A Royal Mess - Jill Shalvis

Her Serene Highness, Natalia, is on her way to a wedding in NM when she gets waylaid. Bumped from 1st to coach, cancelled flight, and then mugged. Tim finds her and offers her a job as a cook. Not believing she is royalty, he thinks she's crazy. Yeah, in this day in age, he could have gone online and looked. But nah, let's think she's crazy.
I *almost* put this in the DNF pile, but continued reading. Starting out, I didn't like Natalia. At all. She was an entitled, spoiled, person who didn't treat people well. Tim was okay. Then, surprise! I'm into the book and want to find out what happens. I liked this more than I thought I would. I thought the reason Natalia is afraid of animals was kinda funny. Nice to see she gets over it. She ends up a better, more likable person at the end. Tim too. I rolled my eyes at the virgin thing (of course she is!).
This works for the ripped Bodice Summer Read Along Bingo too! "Hero has a pet that is not a dog or cat." Tim has a three legged pig, a nearly blind goat, and an old horse.

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Saturday, June 24, 2017

Sacking the Quarterback


Sacking the Quarterback (BookShots Flames) - Samantha Towle

Melissa, the assistant state attorney, is tasked with throwing the book at Grayson. Grayson is arrested for drug possession. Grayson just happens to be the star player for the NFL. Melissa, the assistant state attorney, and Grayson are just HAWT for each other. Of course they are!
I liked that Melissa, the assistant state attorney, was driven and smart. I didn't like how she was "struck dumb" by the hot guy. I didn't appreciate how willing she was to put her career on the line for a guy she just met. Neither character had much depth. Overall, not as bad as it was when I first started. Nice little plot with the brother, the cartel, and Melissa, the assistant state attorney's, boss. But then, as it usually does in Romance Land, everything works out just fine.
I was nice and rounded up to a 3 for Goodreads. I probably should have rounded down for all the times I was reminded that Melissa was the assistant state attorney. Keeping in theme with the book, I made sure to throw out plenty of reminders! Just in case.


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Friday, June 23, 2017


Boise, Idaho has a local, indie bookstore Rediscovered Books.  I got this in my email today.  They are branching out into publishing!  Granted, it's very locally focused, but will see where they go from there.  
Dear Friends,
Our bookshop has embarked on a new adventure.  We are opening a publishing division to produce hyper-local non-fiction books for kids, teens and adults.  We have been working with many local authors and the Boise State's Community Research Series and we know that we can be a strong advocate for local voices in Boise.  Rediscovered Publishing seeks to promote local voices that share the ideas, knowledge and history of what makes Boise this incredible and unique place.  We are planning on publishing 2-3 books each year, and we will be sure to tell you more about these books as they move from the drawing board to the hands of our readers.  Information about how to submit proposals and queries is here.
Laura & Bruce DeLaney


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Queen of Hearts


Queen of Hearts: A Sin City Collectors Novella - Kristen Painter

Claude (Claudette) is a feline shifter and owns a pawn shop. She also happens to be a semi-retired "Collector." The Collectors pick up supes who are misbehaving. Jason is a gargoyle working for a magician. The Queen of Hearts is an elaborate ruby necklace that was stolen by Jason. Claude soon finds out not all is as appears.
This was good. I really adored Claude. She is strong, intelligent, and just plain awesome. Jason wasn't bad either. I liked that he was a gargoyle. I liked giving him a weakness that was then used against him. Very well done novella with the plotting and pacing.

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Monday, June 19, 2017

Midnight Angel


Midnight Angel - Lisa Kleypas

If you liked this book.....don't read this. Rant ahead. You have been warned.
Taisa was found guilty of a murder she has no memory of. Sentenced to death, she manages to fake her death and travels to England to take refuge with her cousin and her husband. She finds employment with a friend of theirs as a governess to his 12 year old daughter.
I love LK books. This sounded like my cup of tea. Well, this sucked ass instead and I found myself still reading. It was like that car accident that everyone slows down to look at, because you can't not look at it!
My complaints:
Their ages. I was fine when I thought she was 22 to his 34. Then I find out she's really 18 and her closeness in age to Emma (Luke's daughter) is brought up. A lot. I wasn't crazy about reading about the hero having sex with someone else. I didn't believe in their romance. At about 20% in and they don't like each other to about 40% in and they are in love. Give. Me. A. Break!
I HATED Luke. He is mean, inconsiderate, stupid (there's still a kidnapping!), and overall Alpha-asshole. This is a description of his for Taisa: "She was sly, mysterious, haughty....all the qualities of a car. He hated cats." There's the confrontation with Tasia when he dismisses Nan for getting pregnant- but the baby daddy gets to keep his job. "Luke strode around his desk with a snarl, catching the front of her bodice in his large hand. She gave a whimper of fear. Luke shook her briefly, like a dog with a rat. You obey me without question." It goes on to say how turned on he gets holding Tasia off the ground. "There was a responsive ache in his groin....."
Then there is this before the fall in lust (oops, I mean love). "He had deliberately ignored her. Beneath his cool self-possession there had been something tightly reined and threatening."
Then (yes there's more) the threat of assault and rape: "I'm coming to your room tonight," he said after one particularly heated episode..." "I'll lock the door." I'll break it down." and this towards the end: "I'll tough you whenever and however I want," Luke said harshly. "Don't push me too far, Tasia...or you'll regret it." "He won't beat me," Tasia said, though privately she had her doubts." Luke's a catch don't you think?
The best thing about this book was Emma. I read some reviews for her book and I'm not going to read it since I think I will have similar issues with it. I won't be reading LK's earlier books. This sucked ass.

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Sunday, June 18, 2017

The Restorer


The Restorer - Amanda Stevens

I read the novella, The Abandoned, and really liked it. This didn't disappoint either! Amelia restores old cemeteries. She can also see ghosts. A body is dumped in a cemetery she is currently working in. This introduces her to detective John Devlin. He is also haunted by 2 ghosts. Amelia gets involved with the investigation.
I was intrigued by this world. In this world, ghosts are parasitic and shouldn't be acknowledged. Amelia was raised to do so. She finds herself breaking these long held rules. She is also drawn to John, and he to her. His ghosts are intriguing. I thought the who-done-it was both interesting, but also a little disappointing and a little anti-climatic.
This definitely is a first in a series book. There is some romance, but not as much as I thought I would get when I started. (Some kissing). Amelia's father has Secrets. I think her mother does too. So, family Secrets. There are MANY unanswered questions (including the Secret Society, and the dark entity she shes- I have questions!). I was glad I read this during the day- creepy!

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Monday, June 12, 2017

Taking Charge


Taking Charge - Ruth Cardello

Lucy, introduced earlier in this series, took a loan from someone with a questionable reputation. This individual takes advantage at a time where she is down. David falls in love at first sight. With Lucy and during a period where she was down.
I could have gotten on board with this. Instead, it just pissed me off. I'll start with Lucy. I got tired, so tired of her inner monologue. I really, really didn't see why David fell head over heels. Her self-esteem is so low, with little improvement throughout the book. She also puts up with a liar, who supposedly did all of the "for her own good." Bullshit. And that leads me to David.
I could have gotten behind David, but his behavior at times was stalker-ish. He also lied to Lucy. Repeatedly. When he had an opportunity to come clean, he lied again. He even involved her friend, Sarah. Presumably, "for her own good." And guess what? All is quickly forgiven.


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It's Not Okay: Turning Heartbreak Into Happily Never After


It's Not Okay: Turning Heartbreak Into Happily Never After - Andi Dorfman

Okay, I admit it. I watch the Bachelor and Bachelorette. I liked Andi when she was on Juan Pablo's season (worst Bachelor ever). Excited when she was picked to be the Bachelorette. Her break-up was public and I liked reading her version of events.
The Brand name dropping got old. So did the drinking. Props to her break-up playlist (excellent songs on it). I admit to not being crazy about her pick during her season. Nor did I like his behavior on BIP (of course I watch that too! Guilty pleasure) last summer. So, never been a Josh fan.
After reading this: Andi: 1 Josh: 0


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Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...