Sunday, April 14, 2024

Review: Through the Storm

Through the Storm Through the Storm by Beverly Jenkins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sable was a slave who was able to escape during the civil war. She found employment, friendship, and a home with a contraband camp. She also met Raimond, a free, successful, Black businessman who enlisted to help the Union. However, things happened and she was threatened. So she took the opportunity to save herself and run.
Raimond was used to women falling all over him, so when Sable didn't he was interested and got to know her. She surprised him in many ways. When she left he was pissed (of course not knowing the whole story and assumptions were made).
Sable is able to make in North and finds employment as a companion to an elderly woman who grew up in the South and wants to return there. They do after the end of the war. They meet up again after the companion dies.
Wonderful romance; a bit of a second chance and marriage of convenience (Raimond has to marry to gain an inheritance). Sable was wonderful, Raimond too, and they were so good together. I loved his family and how they quickly welcomed her into theirs. Enjoyed Hester and Galeno's appearance too.
I also think this is important to say: Beverly Jenkins always does a good job of weaving actual history into her books. She does this in a way that you learn something from a viewpoint that is NOT taught in history books. It is not preachy, it is subtle.

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