Monday, April 1, 2024

Review: Heart Mate

Heart Mate Heart Mate by Robin D. Owens
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

2.5* (generously rounded up)
Rand T'Ash is a Lord of a GreatFamily (one of the First families) of the planet Celta. Celta was settled about 400 years ago and its inhabitants have various degrees of psychic/magical abilities (called Flairs here). T'Ash creates jewelry.
When T'Ash meets his HeartMate, he is excited. Except Danith, who is from a lower class (Miz- middle-class with limited magical ability), thinks he is playing a joke on her. She believes he placed a seduction spell on the piece of jewelry (called a HeartGift) he intends to gift his HeartMate. This begins there courtship (if that's what you want to call it). T'Ash is too pushy. Way too pushy.
It did take awhile to get into the story. Even then I wasn't totally feeling it. I wish some things could have been explained earlier; a prologue would have been helpful. At moments I felt I was missing some background. Many terms are guessable (like Flair= magic, Miz= lower class, Gallent = significant other)
I might have rolled my eyes when Danith discovered she had strong magical abilities. And learned all about them practically overnight. Oh, and she happened to be a rare Animal Healer. A strong Flair puts one in the Nobel class.
Zantih- T'Ash's cat familiar was the best thing about this book. I doubt I will read more in this series.

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