Sunday, July 26, 2020

Review: A Time For Home

A Time For Home A Time For Home by Alexis Morgan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Nick is recovering from a war injury. He is also dealing with the death of his friend Spence and the return to a "normal" life. He goes to Spence's hometown to see his friend Callie and to see if Callie would like to give Mooch a home. Mooch is a dog that saved their life in Afghanistan. Callie was Spence's BFF and inherited his home on his death. Callie is dealing with the loss of her best friend and trying to figure out what she wants to do with her life. She was a contract employee and traveled all over never staying in once place for long. She's trying to decide if she wants to put down roots.
This felt realistic with Nick's PTSD and the struggles with adapting to a "normal" life. I also liked Callie and when Nick (or Lief) where being less than nice, she's call them out on it. This is more of a slow burn romance. What annoyed me was Nick thinking of Callie as "Spence's woman." Callie didn't have the same feelings. I also noticed how Mooch was called "dog" several times by Nick (and I think Callie at least once too). Was annoyed. Y'all named him Mooch, call him that. Or by a nickname (and "dog" didn't come across as a nickname). It wold have been nice for a little compassion/resolution for Austin. Not ignoring what he did, but he was also a victim.
I read this for Romance-opoly BFF's House sun track.

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