Sunday, July 26, 2020

Review: Caught Dead Handed

Caught Dead Handed Caught Dead Handed by Carol J. Perry
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lee (Maralee) loved back to her hometown to interview for a news reporter for the local TV station. When she arrives for interview, she finds the position has already been filled. She stumbles over a body; who as it turns out was the psychic late night host of supernatural movies and took callers during commercials. The station's owner decides to hire Lee to fill Ariel's position.
I did like Lee and how self aware she was. She's been around the block (having loved and lost her NASCAR racing husband in an auto accident- she was the one driving). She also has abilities that have been suppressed/forgotten about, so she fits right in taking calls. I liked the romance with the detective and there is a good opening for book 2.
I have mixed feelings about the "baddie" (who really wasn't if you consider everything). (view spoiler)
I read this for Romance-opoly Sleuth Street sun track

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