Sunday, July 26, 2020

Review: Undeniably Yours

Undeniably Yours Undeniably Yours by Heather Webber
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This picks up right where the last one left off. Aiden's a dad to an 18 mo old daughter he didn't know about. Kira, her mother, dropped her off and then promptly went missing. Lucy is tasked with finding her.
This starts out with a bang. Lucy was injured in the last book and is on crutches in this one. While I liked that she was front and center in the investigation (her talents being fully accepted) it was also weird because were was the rest of the police department? That aside, I enjoyed this one and it was hard to put down. Preston and Dovie were not in this one until the end and I appreciated that. While this is the last book, there could definitely be more adventures/mysteries/people to be found. Sean and Lucy are living together with their assortment of animals, but are not engaged yet. My romantic self would have liked to see an engagement with this last book. Oh well.
I read this for Romance-opoly Summer square sun track (the cover features the ocean and beach, it also takes place during the summer).
And this also fits for the psychic/telekinesis square for Ripped Bodice Summer Bingo.

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Review: The Beach Wedding

The Beach Wedding The Beach Wedding by Lucy Kevin
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Liz left Jason with no explanation. Both heartbroken, they continue on with their dreams. 10 years later, Liz is in charge of a wedding company and Jason a world famous writer.
They meet again when Jason approaches Liz to coordinate a wedding for his famous niece. She agrees. Liz's explanation for why she left Jason made sense, but I also think if they had sat down and really discussed it, they might have been able to work it out. (They were both around 21). Either why, neither forgot the other or stopped loving each other. This was an okay 2nd chance story. I didn't understand Liz's hesitation this second time, but she eventually got out of her own head. I thought both characters were fairly one-dimensional and I never really got to "know" them.
I read this for Romance-opoly Summer square moon track.

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Review: Anything but Sweet

Anything but Sweet Anything but Sweet by Candis Terry
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Sweet, TX is a small town where everyone knows the other and is supportive of local businesses. Except these businesses are a bit run down and in need of a makeover. Enter Charli's show, "My New Town." They rehab small towns to help increase tourist dollars. Reno likes things just the way they are thank you very much.
Charli was a military brat with a father who ignored her. Reno was one of 5 sons in a family loved him just as he was. They both have tragic backstories (Charli mom was killed by a drunk driver when she was a kid and Reno's brother Jared was killed while serving his country, his father died, and his fiance killed in an auto accident- and that's not touching on his childhood from birth to age 5). I thought Charli was really good at what she did and I liked her connection with Jana (Reno's mom). Reno was decent too, but it took longer for him to change. The interplay between the brothers and their mom (and the townfolk) was fun.
Lots of name dropping country music stars, country is King, and the opinion that all other music is trash and can go suck it. That annoyed me. I also didn't appreciate Charli's choice of a vehicle- a Hummer. No one *needs* a gas guzzling, environmental killing machine such as that. She didn't off road or haul shit. It was transportation for her and her (1) dog.
I read this for Romance-opoly Drive In Movie sun track.

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Review: Texas on My Mind

Texas on My Mind Texas on My Mind by Delores Fossen
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Riley, an Air Force captain, is injured and returns childhood home to recover. All the single ladies in this town are hot for Riley and want to be his caregiver (yes, really). Claire steps in to help. He and Claire were friends growing up, but adulthood took them in different paths. Claire started a relationship with Daniel (Riley's BFF). Fast forward several years. Claire and Daniel are on the outs. Claire and Riley have sparks (because of course they do!). Riley tries to keep her at arms length (in part because she "choose" Daniel over him and Daniel was his BFF).
This is a mix of friends to lovers/2nd chance (because she always wanted Riley). Claire and Riley were okay. Daniel, Trisha (someone who had the hots for Riley), and Jodi (another someone who had the hots for Riley) were meh characters that were just annoying after awhile. Neither understood the word "no." I also thought the whole plot-line regarding Ethan (Claire's son) were weird. (view spoiler) WTF?
I read this for Romance-opoly Drive In Movie moon track

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Review: The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie

The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie by Jennifer Ashley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ian spent part of his childhood in an insane asylum. He is very intelligent (he remembers everything, among other things), but very socially awkward (he has Asperger's). Ian helps his brother, a Duke, when it comes to reading documents, etc. Beth was happily married before her husband died. After his death she was a companion to an older lady. She becomes a heiress when the companion died.
I really enjoyed this book. Ian and Beth are so perfect together. I thought she really "got" him. I also liked this family. I'm intrigued by the MacKenzies. There's Hart (a duke), Cameron (he was married and his wife tried to kill him and newborn son- he has a scar on his face from her. Son is Daniel), Mac (married to Isabella- they are separated and have been for 3 years or so- hinted that Mac had a drinking problem and that is why Isabella left him-most likely more to story).
I read this for Romance-opoly Burger Joint sun track

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Review: Cold-Hearted Rake

Cold-Hearted Rake Cold-Hearted Rake by Lisa Kleypas
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This one took a while to get into. Kathleen's husband Theo (married for 3 days) was killed tragically in a horse riding accident. This made Devon, a cousin, an Earl. It also turns out that the estate is up to its eyeballs in debt and he has 3 unmarried ladies and 1 widow to take care of.
So, while I did like Kathleen and Devon's story, I was more interested in the rest of the family. Helen, Cassandra, and Pandora are interesting characters. Devon's brother West had excellent growth in this one too. I didn't like him at the beginning and now hope he gets a story too. It was interesting learning some of the history or orchids and the changing farming techniques.
I read this for Romance-opoly Burger Joint moon track

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Review: Cherish Hard

Cherish Hard Cherish Hard by Nalini Singh
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is Sailor's story (Gabriel's younger brother from Rock Hard), but is set earlier (Gabe is not the hotshot businessman he is in that story). Sailor is 16 at a college party when he see a gorgeous redhead get her heart broken. Fast forward 7 years. Sailor is now 23 and trying to get his business off the ground. He is driven and he knows what he wants. Isa is 28 and the daughter of a craft store magnet. She has had her own issues to deal with.
While I was worried at first that would go into the "I want you, but it won't work out for Reasons" territory, it wasn't too bad. It does venture into that category, but then Isa and Sailor talk. Isa stands up to her mother. Both Sailor and Isa fit and I think they compliment each other very well. And they work things out. I enjoyed the secondary characters; Harlow and Catie (Isa's siblings), Nayna (Isa's BFF), Raj (Sailor's friend), and Gabriel, Danny, Jake (Sailor's siblings).
I read this for Romance-opoly Amour Avenue sun track and Ripped Bodice Summer Bingo- I will use this for either Set on Island or There Was Only One Bed.

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Review: The Girl's Guide to (Man) Hunting

The Girl's Guide to (Man) Hunting The Girl's Guide to (Man) Hunting by Jessica Clare
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Miranda and Dane dated in high school. Briefly. After compromising pictures hit the internet, taken without consent, Dane left town to be drafted in the NHL. Miranda stayed behind. And wouldn't you know, it's a small town where everyone knows each other's business. So, of course Miranda was treated like the town slut.
Book picks up 3 weeks before Miranda leaves for a new job in Huston. She's just quit her job as the town's librarian. And, still, people will bring up the pictures. To them, she's not Miranda, a human being with feelings. She's "boobs." And did Dane get any criticism for the pictures? Yeah, you guessed correctly- nope.
Miranda learns Dane is back and he has setup a wilderness survival type camp. She decided to sign up for one of the classes, seduce him, and take compromising pictures of him. Yeah. Seduction while camping; catching your own food, no baths, no bed beyond the hard ground. Sexy. The whole seduction/sex in the woods with 5 other people close by was just creepy. You can't tell me people sleep all that soundly when you are in a sleeping bag on the ground. Not comfortable.
I really didn't get Miranda. She was wishy-washy and constantly changing her mind. I didn't like Dane either. I had a hard time believing that he had no idea about the pictures. I mean, really? Did. Not. Believe. It.
This tiny, judgmental town can go suck it.
Am I interested in reading the rest of this series? Nah. Don't think so.
I read this for Romance-opoly Amour Avenue moon track square

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Review: Wedding Date Rescue

Wedding Date Rescue Wedding Date Rescue by Sonya Weiss
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Casey was left at the alter by her groom. She runs a matchmaking business and as a result starts to lose clients. After she is approached by her investors, she asks one of her friends, Kent to be her fake boyfriend. He is also in need of help because he needs a date to his cousin's upcoming wedding where his ex will be in attendance. See, the thing is, he is a firefighter and was in an accident that killed a colleague and left him severely burned on his torso. The ex dumped him because she didn't want to be a caregiver (and wanted to be the one cared for).
This was a nice story about 2 friends who have always been close and realizing there could be something more. It did drag a little with both wanting more, but not telling the other person. There was, instead, misinterpretations of things that were said. Both come from supportive families. Casey has her parents, brothers (Rafferty, Lincoln, and Grayson), and grandmother and Kent has his parents. Both Casey's and Kent's mom are hilarious and were constantly encouraging the pair.
I read this for Ripped Bodice Summer Bingo and will use this for the Meddling Matchmakers square. I think it would also work for Dumped at a Wedding (even though it was before the book starts, it was the driving plot in this one and brought up multiple times).

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Review: One Good Earl Deserves a Lover

One Good Earl Deserves a Lover One Good Earl Deserves a Lover by Sarah MacLean
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Pippa is a scientist and she is engaged to Lord Castleton. Castleton who will let her run his estate and study what she wants. Castleton who isn't very smart and doesn't have personality on the page (he is kind and not a rogue). She wants to know things, so she approaches Cross. Cross, one of the 4 partners of The Fallen Angel, the premier club in London has his own trauma. He was the 2nd son and lived like the 2nd son. When his brother is killed in a carriage accident, his family blames him. Cross is born.
This was so much better than the first book (Penelope and Bourne; Pippa is Penelope's sister). I really loved Pippa and Cross. I enjoyed their interactions and how they "got" each other. I also liked that Castleton got his HEA too (even though he wasn't really a flushed out character, but was nice (and liked dogs!).
I do like Temple and Chase and look forward to their stories.
I read this for the Ripped Bodice Summer Bingo 2020 and will use this for Secret Identity (Pippa did not know Cross's true identity and the was a masked event the gaming hell)

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Review: Where the Wild Things Bite

Where the Wild Things Bite Where the Wild Things Bite by Molly Harper
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Anna is an expect in old literature/books and the research to determine if authentic. She takes a job from Jane after she finds an old book in her store. It turns out that the book is an old, authentic book on shifters by an author deemed to be knowledgeable about the subject. Other groups want this too.
This was funny and had the MH wit and humor. Anna was a character that took time to warm up to. But once you did, you liked her. I liked her growth throughout the book. The Anna at the end was not the Anna at the beginning. Finn was a difficult character to like. I wasn't sure exactly whose side he was on/his motivations. He did (eventually) redeem himself in his own way.
Ripped Bodice Bingo: Accidentally in the Wilderness

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Review: Storm's Heart

Storm's Heart Storm's Heart by Thea Harrison
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I liked Tricks in the first book. She was interesting. She had lived with Dragos group (demesne) for over 200 years after she fled her murdering uncle (who was killed in book 1). With the uncle now deceased, she is the heir to the dark fae throne. Tricks is now known as Niniane and there is someone who wants her dead. Enter Tiago (a thunderbird is his other form) a Wyr soldier to function as her bodyguard and hunt down the one(s) who want her gone.
I was a little disappointed. Tricks isn't the same character as in book 1. The interesting, sassy, self assured individual is gone. Instead she is winy. Oh poor me! I thought Tiago was a little too alpha (bossy and my way or the highway). I did enjoy the other characters and more about this world.
Pia and Dragos book 1. Dragos' sentinals- Graydon, Rune, Bayne, Constantine- all are gryphons. Aryal is a harpy. Carling is the vampire queen, sorceress. Grym is Drago's head of security and a gargoyle.
I read this for romance-opoly Fang Alley sun track

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Review: Dangerous Curves Ahead

Dangerous Curves Ahead Dangerous Curves Ahead by Sugar Jamison
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Ellis is a Harvard educated lawyer. The only problem is, she hates what she is doing, so she quits. Her love is fashion and helping people find clothes that fit them and work with their body types. So, she opens her own store. It helps that she also does alterations having done so with her own clothing growing up. She had a crush on Mike years ago. Only problem is her sister dated him once upon a time.
Mike is a ladies man who is taking a break from that. After working as a NYC detective, he needs a change of scenery. So he begins work as a detective in his much smaller college town. One day, he bumps into Ellis and he knows he knows her, but can't remember where from.
I really liked the banter and interactions between the characters. Ellis's parents are interesting (Walter is on autism spectrum and her mother is a hippie). Colin (Mike's friend) Belinda, and Cherri (Ellis's) are super fun. Ellis's sister, Dina, is a first class bitch. Her ex, Jack is an asshole.
There are a few things that knocked this down to a 3. Ellis was constantly pushing Mike away. For the WHOLE book. Enough already! I actually didn't have any issues with Mike. But Ellis so so fixated on her weight. Enough already (yes, I know I said that already)! The epilogue was appreciated; however, Ellis did something I had a huge problem with. (view spoiler)
I read this for Romance-opoly BFF's House moon track

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Review: Undone by the Duke

Undone by the Duke Undone by the Duke by Michelle Willingham
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The mistaken/unknown identity tropes is one of my favorites (most of the time). I was really enjoying this right to Jonathon's ultimatum (marry me or else!). After that, it was downhill for me. Not talking, making (wrong) assumptions, and misunderstandings. Jonathon not wanting to open up about the death of his parents, but expecting total honesty from Victoria.
Victoria was an interesting character (after she was lost in the highlands for a few days, she developed a fear (agoraphobia) and never left the house). It took a long time for her to grow some spine and stand up to Jonathon.
There's also an evil lord who is a neighbor, arson, and a secondary love story (well kind of- I thought there might be a little more there, but that story line got dumped) featuring Victoria's parents.

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Review: Siren's Tide

Siren's Tide Siren's Tide by Philippa Ballantine
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Noted a few editing errors.
Ianthe is a mermaid from another world living and working as a PI in DC. Her identity is also a secret. She runs into problems with a case she is working on.
This was an interesting short story. It lacked world building d/t it's length. There were some unanswered questions as well (surprise!). I did like Dolly Madison the ghost. She was fun.

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Review: A Time For Home

A Time For Home A Time For Home by Alexis Morgan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Nick is recovering from a war injury. He is also dealing with the death of his friend Spence and the return to a "normal" life. He goes to Spence's hometown to see his friend Callie and to see if Callie would like to give Mooch a home. Mooch is a dog that saved their life in Afghanistan. Callie was Spence's BFF and inherited his home on his death. Callie is dealing with the loss of her best friend and trying to figure out what she wants to do with her life. She was a contract employee and traveled all over never staying in once place for long. She's trying to decide if she wants to put down roots.
This felt realistic with Nick's PTSD and the struggles with adapting to a "normal" life. I also liked Callie and when Nick (or Lief) where being less than nice, she's call them out on it. This is more of a slow burn romance. What annoyed me was Nick thinking of Callie as "Spence's woman." Callie didn't have the same feelings. I also noticed how Mooch was called "dog" several times by Nick (and I think Callie at least once too). Was annoyed. Y'all named him Mooch, call him that. Or by a nickname (and "dog" didn't come across as a nickname). It wold have been nice for a little compassion/resolution for Austin. Not ignoring what he did, but he was also a victim.
I read this for Romance-opoly BFF's House sun track.

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Review: Caught Dead Handed

Caught Dead Handed Caught Dead Handed by Carol J. Perry
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lee (Maralee) loved back to her hometown to interview for a news reporter for the local TV station. When she arrives for interview, she finds the position has already been filled. She stumbles over a body; who as it turns out was the psychic late night host of supernatural movies and took callers during commercials. The station's owner decides to hire Lee to fill Ariel's position.
I did like Lee and how self aware she was. She's been around the block (having loved and lost her NASCAR racing husband in an auto accident- she was the one driving). She also has abilities that have been suppressed/forgotten about, so she fits right in taking calls. I liked the romance with the detective and there is a good opening for book 2.
I have mixed feelings about the "baddie" (who really wasn't if you consider everything). (view spoiler)
I read this for Romance-opoly Sleuth Street sun track

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Review: Once and Always

Once and Always Once and Always by Julia Harper
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was a fun read. Maisa had a habit of speeding when she's driving through Coot Lake MN to visit her uncle. Sam is the one who always pulls her over. This worked because Sam and Maisa had a bit of a prior relationship before the book started. This doesn't rate higher because there were a few continuity errors, Maisa takes some time to warm up to (and she had a TSTL moment). The secondary characters were hilarious too.
I read this for Romance-opoly Lady Lane moon track square.

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Review: The Paris Key

The Paris Key The Paris Key by Juliet Blackwell
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Genevieve is going through a divorce after her husband was caught cheating on her. About the same time, her uncle dies leaving her his locksmith shop in Paris. She uses this opportunity to return to Paris and maybe take over his business. She has previously been to Paris to visit her uncle, aunt, and cousin shortly after her mother's death when she was 14.
This mainly told in Genevieve's POV present tense. There are also flashbacks to her mother's visit in 1983 and her visit in 1997. Pasquale (her aunt) also has a chapter dedicated to her POV. Overall this worked to tell the story; each chapter's POV is clearly marked.
I enjoyed reading about Paris and the neighborhoods with the close-knit community. I liked reading a little history of WWII and the Algerian War. I thought it was cool how JB tied the Basques into the story too (with the Embassy bombing). (Boise, ID has a large Basque population).
I would have liked more on locksmithing; it was fascinating reading about the old locks. I did have a hard time connecting with Genevieve and her mother Angela. There is no romance in this one. Angela's secret is easily guessed.
(view spoiler)
I read this for Romance-opoly Lady Lane sun track square.

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Review: How to Host a Killer Party

How to Host a Killer Party How to Host a Killer Party by Penny Warner
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Presley is a party planner (I mean event coordinator!) who also has ADHD. She was laid off at her prior job in the psych department at the U of San Fran. She has a habit of diagnosing people. Her mom, who now has dementia, was a successful party planner, so Presley hopes to take up the reins. She gets a chance hosting the mayor's surprise Alcatraz. Things don't go as planned and there are 2 dead bodies and Presley is considered a suspect.
I did like this. I was interested and the who-done-it was good, as was the motivations behind it. But, Presley came off as a ditz. Did I mention she has ADHD & she taught psych? Sometimes when a character says something stupid/wrong/pick your poison, it makes them more relate-able. Not so much with Presley. The secondary characters were fun.
Will I read the next and rest in series? Nah. (And did you know Presley was a psych major..... and has ADHD? The reminders constantly got old. Fast.)
I read this for Romance-opoly Sleuth Street moon track

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Tuesday, July 7, 2020



Evernight - Kristen Callihan

This was another really good book in this series. Both had appearances in the previous books. Holly is an elemental (human with fae heritage) and controls metal. She's an inventor for the SOS. Will is a sanguis demon (think vampire). In the previous book, both were kidnapped. Holly for her abilities and intelligence, Will as an experiment. Will was given a platinum heart and is now after Holly. I liked the twists and turns. I liked seeing Adam (the founder of the GIM) and look forward to his story which is next. The last book features Holly's "cousin" Sin (St John)- Daisy, Miranda, and Poppy's brother. I read this for Romance-opoly Coffee Shop I'm also using this for Ripped Bodice Summer Bingo violet eyes square (Queen Mab).

Original post:

Alice in Zombieland


Alice in Zombieland - Gena Showalter

Alice lost her parents and younger sister in a car accident when she was 16 (on her birthday). Her dad saw things that no one else could see. After the accident, she moves in with her grandparents and changes schools.
While Ali went through a horrible time, she was a hard person to really like. I was more annoyed with her and her reaction to Cole. I thought Cole was awful. (But, hey, it's okay 'cause he's a hunter). Just more angst, angst, and more angst. Disappointed.
I read this for the Ripped Bodice's Summer Bingo and will use it for the broken nose square (it was mentioned once). It will also work for violet eyes (Cole's).

Original post:

Brownies and Brownsticks


Brownies and Broomsticks - Bailey Cates

Katie is fresh out of a breakup and in a position at her job that really isn't going anywhere. When she receives an offer to join her aunt and uncle at the bakery they are opening, she jumps at the chance. She moves south to Savannah. She's always had a good relationship with her aunt and uncle, but has never really "known" them. This will shock you, but Katie has always felt different. It turns out she is a hereditary witch. (And of course now she fits right in!)
I liked the characters; both Katie and the multiple secondary ones. I do wonder at the love triangle (Declan- a firefighter and very close to Ben, Katie's uncle and Steve a journalist and also a witch. The boys have a history (of course they do!). I don't really like Steve (Katie girl- thought this was condescending). This has a slow start, but picked up.
I read this for Romance-opoly Coffee Shop moon track


Declan's BFF was also a firefighter and died in a fire by not following instructions. He was Steve's brother and Steve blames Declan for death.


Original post:

Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...