Friday, June 21, 2019

The Untouchable Earl


The Untouchable Earl - Amy Sandas

I didn't like this as much as the first book. I did like that we did learn more about Nathan Hale and his motivations. It's been awhile since I read the first book, so it took me a bit to catch on, but this book is occurring at the same time as book 1 (Emma's) and book 3 (Portia's).
I liked Lily, but there were moments where thought she was too passive. On the other hand, she did fight for what she wanted and I thought by the end she was more assertive. Avenell was okay. I liked that he had a disability (ill as a child, he has severe neuropathy in his upper body) and experiences pain with touch. I thought this was overcome too quickly. I also thought he was too mean to Lily at times.
I am looking forward to Portia's book.


Re: Nathan H: his baby mama is addicted and is holding their daughter hostage and needs money. He plans to take his daughter.


Booklikes-opoly:  rolled 7= #19 author name begins with any letter in LAKE

$4 for bank of $51
For Ripped Bodice Bingo- I will see what else I read over the next couple of months. This might be a stretch, but Angelique is sassy- but she's a great aunt (and not a grandparent). ? for "Sassy Grandparent square.

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