Thursday, June 6, 2019



Moonglow - Kristen Callihan

Can I just say these covers are gorgeous?!
There is a were infected with syphilis killing those that have a certain smell. It turns out it's Daisy's perfume and she is a target. Miranda and Archer from the first book make appearances as do the subjects of book 3, Poppy and Winston.
I wasn't crazy about Ian's attitude in the first book and was pleasantly surprised at his evolution to hero in this one. Learning about the difference between "were" and "Lycan" was interesting. I also liked that this world was expended. There are the GIMs (Ghost in the Machine), the SOS (Society for the Suppression of Supernaturals), the reveal of Daisy's ability (and Poppy's). Nice mystery. We meet Ian's valet, Jack and another GIM Mary who will be the subjects of book 4.
Poppy and Winston's story promises to be interesting.


Winston was attached and disfigured by the were in this one. He realizes Poppy is hiding something from him and withdraws. After the first were attach, Daisy is bitten and infected with syphilis. While she can control plants and the earth, she is still human and becomes a GIM to save her life.



Booklikes-opoply:  rolled a 7: Square 35: Book set in Europe  $4 for bank of $36

Ripped Bodice Summer Bingo: Heroine smells like a flower square ("rose, jasmine, vanilla, and sunshine")

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