Saturday, June 29, 2019

No Proper Lady


No Proper Lady - Isabel Cooper

This is a little like The Terminator, but with roll reversal. Joan is the assassin. Overall, I liked this, but it was slow in places. I liked how accepting Simon was, but the whole "I can't compromise you" got old. And now that I think about it, Joan told Simon how she felt, but I don't remember Simon confessing his feelings. (And I'm too lazy to go back and look). The 2nd in this series features new people and sounds good, so I most likely will read it.
For Ripped Bodice Bingo- Assassins square

For Booklikes-opoly: rolled a 3 to #22 women's roles/strong female character  $3 for a bank of $54

Original post:

Friday, June 21, 2019

The Untouchable Earl


The Untouchable Earl - Amy Sandas

I didn't like this as much as the first book. I did like that we did learn more about Nathan Hale and his motivations. It's been awhile since I read the first book, so it took me a bit to catch on, but this book is occurring at the same time as book 1 (Emma's) and book 3 (Portia's).
I liked Lily, but there were moments where thought she was too passive. On the other hand, she did fight for what she wanted and I thought by the end she was more assertive. Avenell was okay. I liked that he had a disability (ill as a child, he has severe neuropathy in his upper body) and experiences pain with touch. I thought this was overcome too quickly. I also thought he was too mean to Lily at times.
I am looking forward to Portia's book.


Re: Nathan H: his baby mama is addicted and is holding their daughter hostage and needs money. He plans to take his daughter.


Booklikes-opoly:  rolled 7= #19 author name begins with any letter in LAKE

$4 for bank of $51
For Ripped Bodice Bingo- I will see what else I read over the next couple of months. This might be a stretch, but Angelique is sassy- but she's a great aunt (and not a grandparent). ? for "Sassy Grandparent square.

Original post:

Sunday, June 16, 2019

The Trouble with Paradise


The Trouble With Paradise - Jill Shalvis

Dorie has a degree in fashion, works full-time at the Shop-Mart (think Wal-Mart), and has an evil boss. So, when she wins a cruise to the South Pacific, she takes it. Things happen.
So, this has several funny moments and several eye-roll moments. I couldn't believe Dorie was so clumsy. I did like the interaction with the other women- Brandy and Cadence. The romance was so-so. I admit I didn't "get" Christian's (and Andy's) attraction to Dorie. But, this was still (overall) a fun (beach) read.
For Ripped Bodice Bingo: a beach on the cover

For Booklikes-opoly- rolled a 4 to #13- beachey items on cover  $3

Bank $47

Original post:

Friday, June 14, 2019

Wonder Woman: Warbringer


Wonder Woman: Warbringer (DC Icons Series) - Leigh Bardugo

Wonder Woman as a teen! I liked that this showed her insecurities and her growth throughout the book. Alia is a Warbringer and that title means exactly what it means. People are after her either to kill or use her. There is a lot of Greek mythology in this one and I thought that was refreshing.
I enjoyed the interactions between Alia, Theo, Nim, and Jason. I have to admit I didn't see a certain someone's betrayal coming. This works as a good companion to the movie Wonder Woman (IMO).
For Ripped Bodice Summer Bingo: title includes character's name square.

Booklikes-opoly:  rolled a 6 and landed on Jail: Just Visiting.  $ 3 to bail fund

Bank $44 

Original post:

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Moon Awakening


Moon Awakening - Lucy Monroe

Scottish werewolves in kilts! Eh, maybe I would have liked this better had I read this when it was first published (2007). I was a different reader then and my tolerance for bullshit was better(?) or worse(?) then now. This has kidnapping (check), forced marriage (check), lavender eyes (check), and alpha males (check). I surprised Cait and Emily didn't have have to ask permission to go take a shit. Oh wait, they probably did. I despise men like this in real life and on the page.
But, this did fulfill some challenge requirements so I stuck with it.
Ripped Bodice Summer Bingo: the Kilts square

For Booklikes-opoply: rolled a 6: #4 Read a book published in May, June, July or a article of clothing/accessory on cover (take your pick- kilt, sword, belt, boots, etc).

$3 and passed Go for $5= $44 bank 

Original post:

Thursday, June 6, 2019



Moonglow - Kristen Callihan

Can I just say these covers are gorgeous?!
There is a were infected with syphilis killing those that have a certain smell. It turns out it's Daisy's perfume and she is a target. Miranda and Archer from the first book make appearances as do the subjects of book 3, Poppy and Winston.
I wasn't crazy about Ian's attitude in the first book and was pleasantly surprised at his evolution to hero in this one. Learning about the difference between "were" and "Lycan" was interesting. I also liked that this world was expended. There are the GIMs (Ghost in the Machine), the SOS (Society for the Suppression of Supernaturals), the reveal of Daisy's ability (and Poppy's). Nice mystery. We meet Ian's valet, Jack and another GIM Mary who will be the subjects of book 4.
Poppy and Winston's story promises to be interesting.


Winston was attached and disfigured by the were in this one. He realizes Poppy is hiding something from him and withdraws. After the first were attach, Daisy is bitten and infected with syphilis. While she can control plants and the earth, she is still human and becomes a GIM to save her life.



Booklikes-opoply:  rolled a 7: Square 35: Book set in Europe  $4 for bank of $36

Ripped Bodice Summer Bingo: Heroine smells like a flower square ("rose, jasmine, vanilla, and sunshine")

Original post:

Saturday, June 1, 2019



Avion - Eve Langlais

This being the last book, we learned more about One- now known as Lilith. Avion gets "fixed." Some questions get answered and others not so much. I thought everything moved a little too quickly in this one.


Booklikes-opoly- bonus roll (1/2) from Memorial Day space 28 read a romance/chick lit

162 pg $2

Bank: $32

Original post:

Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...