Sunday, April 28, 2019

Nasty Women


Nasty Women: Feminism, Resistance, and Revolution in Trump's America - Meredith Talusan, Sarah Hollenbeck, Nicole Chung, Jill Filipovic, Sarah Hepola, Samantha Irby, Sarah Jaffe, Samhita Mukhopadhyay, Kate Harding, Randa Jarrar, Katha Pollitt, Rebecca Solnit

This took me awhile to get through; mainly because I opted to read 1-2 each day. As someone who did not vote for this asshole (I refuse to say his name), but know many people who did (and continue to think he is doing a great job!), it's refreshing to know there so many out there who think as I do. I loved the varied viewpoints in this (Asian, Black, Latino, Native, White, gay, non-binary, straight). At the end, I had to ask myself what essay stuck out to me? I can't do a top 3, so here are the top 5 (and this was hard, but these are the ones that resonated the most with me): 
Trust Black Women by Zerlina Maxwell (Black women show up and vote for the Dems)
As Long As It's Healthy by Sarah Michael Hollenbeck (disability)
All American by Nicole Chung (who is an American?)
Nasty Native Women by Mary Kathryn Nagle (discrimination of Native Women)
Dispatches From a Texas Militarized Zone by Melissa Arjona (living along the border)
That being said, all of these have something worthwhile to say. In a perfect world, this would be mandatory reading before the next election.


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