Sunday, April 7, 2019

Cowboy Delight


Cowboy Delight - Cheryl Brooks

Lauren is engaged to Frederick. While on the way to Huston to meet him and his parents, her car breaks down. And Things happen (a storm, a twister).
This had a decent start, but rapidly went to hell. This had cliches (Lauren has never had an orgasm!), insta-love (in hours!), and cheating. I hate cheating. If she had verbally broke up with Frederick I would have had less of an issue. 
Another issue is Lauren. Her whole life she has been a doormat of sorts. Always trying to be someone she's not to make someone else happy. With Frederick, she dresses in short skirts, heels, wore her hair up, so Frederick could "show her off." But then Frederick was rich. Who the fuck are you Lauren? I didn't have a clue.
I'll end this review with this gem of a quote: 
"Sluts were sluts for one primary reason. They enjoyed sex." WTH?


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