Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Absolutely, Positively


Absolutely, Positively - Heather Webber

Better than book 2. I liked the mysteries and how they tied into each other. I really liked Lucy's full acceptance of her abilities and how she slowly is learning more it herself. I wish Sean would open more for Lucy- he does in this one, but I think he stills to do more since Lucy is pretty much an open book.


Sean is a former foster kid. His brother Sam isn't his biological brother, but rather chosen family. Lucy's parents are back together- for now. I also still think that while Cupid Curse may have had power at one time, it's power lies mainly in the individual's mind. Do they believe it or not? 




Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1879424/absolutely-positively

Sunday, April 28, 2019



Indigo - Beverly Jenkins

As someone who enjoys historical romance, the majority of the books are set in England with titled people meeting and falling in love. As a Lover of Romance (LOR) if I want to read a different setting, time period, etc, I have to look for it. So when a Buddy Read was announced, this was the perfect time to pick this one up.
Hester (or as Galen calls her, Indigo) was born a slave. She was found and freed by her aunt. She sees love as a weakness and something to be avoided because her father gave up his freedom to marry her mother who was a slave. Slavery killed him and separated her from her mother. However, her mother at the foresight to cut off part of her pinky so someone could identify her. Her feet and hands are indigo from working on an indigo plantation.
Her aunt was an active participant with the Underground Railroad and Hester continues her work. That's how she meets Galen. I understood her resistance to him at first, but he proved to be serious and eventually earned her trust. If memory serves, he also professed his love first too. I didn't like the circumstances of their marriage. 


After proposing more than once and Hester telling him no each time, he publicly proposed in church and forced Hester's hand. 


Someone in their community is a traitor. After learning who it was, I liked that it wasn't straight up "this person is bad!" There were (realistic) reasons for their actions, with both the opportunity to make it right and have forgiveness. 
Both Hester and Galen are relate-able, strong, empathetic and I loved reading their story. The time-period and background is one I haven't found in historical romance. I also learned some things (the Free Produce Movement). 
I would like books for Raymond & Gail
One thing that took me out of the book was being consistently reminded of Hester's innocence/virginity. "virgin's curiosity" & "virgin's body." I. Get. It.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1878263/indigo

Nasty Women


Nasty Women: Feminism, Resistance, and Revolution in Trump's America - Meredith Talusan, Sarah Hollenbeck, Nicole Chung, Jill Filipovic, Sarah Hepola, Samantha Irby, Sarah Jaffe, Samhita Mukhopadhyay, Kate Harding, Randa Jarrar, Katha Pollitt, Rebecca Solnit

This took me awhile to get through; mainly because I opted to read 1-2 each day. As someone who did not vote for this asshole (I refuse to say his name), but know many people who did (and continue to think he is doing a great job!), it's refreshing to know there so many out there who think as I do. I loved the varied viewpoints in this (Asian, Black, Latino, Native, White, gay, non-binary, straight). At the end, I had to ask myself what essay stuck out to me? I can't do a top 3, so here are the top 5 (and this was hard, but these are the ones that resonated the most with me): 
Trust Black Women by Zerlina Maxwell (Black women show up and vote for the Dems)
As Long As It's Healthy by Sarah Michael Hollenbeck (disability)
All American by Nicole Chung (who is an American?)
Nasty Native Women by Mary Kathryn Nagle (discrimination of Native Women)
Dispatches From a Texas Militarized Zone by Melissa Arjona (living along the border)
That being said, all of these have something worthwhile to say. In a perfect world, this would be mandatory reading before the next election.


Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1878251/nasty-women

Monday, April 22, 2019

Rock Hard


Rock Hard (Rock Kiss Book 2) (Volume 2) - Nalini Singh

This is Charlotte's story (Molly's BF from Rock Addiction). While this is part of a series, this stands by itself just fine. It was hinted at a something traumatic happening to Charlotte in RA. As a result, I enjoyed the slow burn romance (and could believe the attraction) as Charlotte slowly builds confidence. I could see Gabriel and Charlotte together as they each help the other out. I think they complimented each other very well. Enjoyable.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1875489/rock-hard

Friday, April 19, 2019

Forever Wicked


Forever Wicked - Shayla Black

I'm surprised at how much I liked this; it had a lot of my pet peeves. A couple who do not talk, trust, and make assumptions about each other. Jason got Gia benched (which could make case she would have been benched anyway since she wasn't following protocol- or got dead. But either way it was high ended and I didn't like it). All that aside, I was pleasantly surprised.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1874177/forever-wicked

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Part Time Cowboy


Part Time Cowboy - Maisey Yates

Sadie's teenage-self was a bit of a wild child. She got arrested (not charged) at 17. She left her small town as soon as she could. Now an adult, she's moved around. A lot. She's decided she needs to put down roots and stay in one spot. Back to her small town she goes, signing a 5 yr lease and planning on opening a B&B. 
Eli's family happens to own both the B&B and land. Eli is a full time deputy (running for sheriff) and part time rancher. He also happens to be the one who arrested wild child Sadie at 17.
I did not like Eli. I thought he threw Sadie's arrest in her face one too many times. Judgmental asshole. I also thought he was controlling and unwilling to change. Sadie was a little better, but I thought she was a little too "all over the place." Maybe flighty is a better word.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1872780/part-time-cowboy

Sunday, April 14, 2019

The Real Thing


The Real Thing (Sugar Lake Book 1) - Melissa Foster

Zane took Willow's virginity prior to her going off to college. Willow had a huge crush on Zane only to believe she was just a booty call. Through the years they've kept in touch via text.
Having both POV alternating worked. Without Zane's I would have had questions how much was acting on his part vs real feelings. It did take me some time to warm up to Zane. Willow has a wonderful, supportive family.


Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1871732/the-real-thing



Adam (Cyborgs: More Than Machines) (Volume 6) - Eve Langlais

I'm glad to say I was right and Adam's book picks right up where Seth's book left off.  Adam is the leader of the cyborg resistance on earth.  He has infiltrated a military installation where nanotechnology is being tested and it is suspected a cyborg is being held prisoner.  At the start of the book, his job is providing guard duty to Laura, a human scientist working on the nanotechnology.  Laura is tasked with trying to find a way to re-animate the nanos when they die.

This had a little bit of a slow start.  Once Seth, Anastasia, and Avion arrive, it picked up.  There was more to Laura then met the eye and she was a good match for Adam.  There is an event that happens to Laura when she is given live nanos to work with. 


I assume from One who is the source of all the nanos.  Laura will probably prove the nanos don't need a BCI to work and enhance the human body all by themselves.


  While Adam and Laura get the HEA, the underlying story-line ends in a cliffhanger. 

What is going on?  Who is One and what can she do?  Will Avion be cured?  (This being a romance book you can bet your ass that will be a resounding YES).

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1871654/adam

Friday, April 12, 2019

Rush- DNF

Rush - Maya Banks

I should have known better (since this is billed, "If you liked 50 Shades...). Gabe hires Mia to be his "personal assistant." So, when someone gets paid for sex, what does that make them? I didn't read further. Not my cuppa.

Accidently deleted.  Oops.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1871247/rush-dnf

Thursday, April 11, 2019

House of Shadows


House of Shadows -  'Jen Christie'

And this turned into a bit of a rant.

This started off so good.  Penrose was born out of wedlock and her mother gave her her father's last name (and of course this being the 1880's that  is was just not done).  When her mother died, Penrose did what she could to survive and took another's position at Arundell house.  Carrick is an eccentric inventor....who also happens to be an albino and a recluse.

The 1st half was so good.  Penrose arriving and gradually befriending Carrick and then starting to fall in love.  The non-existent relationship between Carrick and C.J. starting to form.  I liked the idea of secret passages.

Then it went to shit.  So an earthquake happens and catapults Penrose to modern day Arendell and it's new owner.  Keat also happens to look just like Carrick, but isn't an albino.  I thought he was an asshole and the moment he became less of an asshole Penrose fell for him.  I didn't see them together and felt their relationship happened too quickly.  Carrick and Penrose's relationship in the first half was more believable and more time was spent on it.

I also just shook my head at Arendell- first it's in Charleston and then the whole antebellum home was moved to Montana (I think it was MT).  Because Keat values his privacy and needed more space.  Whatever.

I also didn't like how Penrose in the 2nd half was all about getting a makeover and got a dye job from her natural dark hair to blonde (and of course Keat thought she was even more beautiful).  I also was irritated that the ultimate love interest was Keat- handsome, rich vs Carrick (who I wanted to see get his HEA).  And it is implied he does, just not on the page.

I thought the time loops came out of nowhere.  It's addressed in the last couple of chapters.  Wham, bam, done. I would have liked more of an explanation because the idea was interesting (Penrose existing x 2, C.J. caught in a loop).  But it was just too little explanation and just felt thrown in there.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1870553/house-of-shadows

Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...