Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Prophet


The Prophet - Amanda Stevens

Not as good as the first two. Amelia is back in Charleston. She now has the ghost of a murdered cop haunting her. He wants her to solve his murder. Shani also wants Amelia's help.
I was glad that Amelia's fixation on Devlin came to a conclusion. Either be with him or move on. I got tired about how Amelia was always perseverating over how she broke papa's rules. Just. Get. Over. It. I don't think this was a bad thing.
New interesting characters that could be friends- Isabel and Clementine. 
I thought the ending was a little rushed.

[spoiler]Shani was Robert's daughter not Devlin's. Mariama planned on killing Shani when she drove off cliff, but she was trapped and perished too. Ethan was the one who killed Robert (and his mom it was implied) because he was jealous of his relationship with Mariama. Amelia shots Ethan at the end with Devil's service gun. Clementine was married to an abuser and Isabel shot him in self defense.


Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1838314/the-prophet

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