Saturday, January 5, 2019

Scandalous Desires


Scandalous Desires - Elizabeth Hoyt

I was so looking forward to the book. I was wondering how such an unlikable character would change and become someone I could like. The Mickey at the beginning was an asshole and the Micheal at the end was in love & a different person. I thought the insight into his childhood explained much of the person he became. Silence was the perfect fit for him; she complimented him and he her. I really enjoyed his growth in regards to his daughter.
And Silence saves herself after being kidnapped.
I got glimpses into the Home to and the patronesses. This ended in a cliffhanger with the Ghost of St Giles revealed (I was right BTW!). I hope book 4 picks up right where this left off. Just enough was given, that I think Isabel has depth and will be a good match!

Character guide- will have spoilers


Mickey O'Connor AKA Micheal Rivers- other thief and has 2nd identity at Mr Rivers, shipbuilder.
Silence- the youngest of the Makepeace children, the formerly Mrs Hollingbrook
Harry- one of Mickey's men and most loyal
Bert- see above
Charlie Grady- The Vicar of Whitechapel; distiller of gin (and caused major issues with Griffin in book 2) and Mickey's rotten father. Found out Micheal's mother only recently died. Kidnapped Silence and was killed (stabbed) by Silence.
Patronesses of the Home: Hero (book 2), Amelia (Caire's mother), Margaret (Griffin's sister), Phoebe (Hero's sister), Isabel Beckinhall (married a much older man when she was very young, now widowed), Lady Penelope (she doesn't deserve a book based on what was on the page here- shallow), and Artemis Greaves (I'm curious). 


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