Thursday, January 31, 2019

Romanceopoly Update the 2nd



Rolled a 2:  (doubles) and opted to stay Library -> Before the Dawn 1/2

Rolled a 6:  Memory Lane -> Scandelous Desires 1/4

Rolled a 5:  LGBT Lane -> Love Lessons 1/8

Rolled a 4:  (doubles) and opted to roll again- 11: Taxi -> Dead Heat 1/13

Rolled a 6:  Alien Ave -> Temporal Shift  1/16

Rolled a 5:  Mayfair -> Thief of Shadows 1/19

Rolled a 2:  (doubles and opted to stay) Leather Lane -> Magic Shifts 1/23

Rolled a 9:  Dungeon -> The Professional 1/25 

Rolled a 7:  Library -> The Prophet 1/28

Rolled a

Rolled a

Rolled a

Rolled a

Rolled a

Rolled a

Rolled a

Rolled a

Rolled a

Rolled a

Rolled a

Rolled a

Rolled a

Original post:

2019 Reading Assignment Challenge-Spring Semester; Update the 2nd

Reading Assignment Challenge- 2019

5 months through May.  Sign up in May for Summer (June-Aug) 

AuthorLuv Intermediate Class: 2 books per month (10) same author- Elizabeth Hoyt


1.  Scandalous Desires - Elizabeth Hoyt  1/4

2.  Thief of Shadows- E. Hoyt 1/19














Genre Advanced Class:  3 books per month (15) same genre- I'm going to mix it up and go with Sci-fi romance (fill in as I go) 


1. Paradise 21  1/5

2. Temporal Shift  1/16

3. Skies of Fire 1/30


















Mix-It-Up Advanced Class:  3 books per month (15) from set list 


1.  Dead Heat- Patricia Briggs  1/13

2.  Magic Shifts- I Andrews 1/23

3.  The Prophet- A Stevens 1/28


















This is the list:

1.  A Magical Match- Juliet Blackwell

2.  Absolutely, Positively- Heather Webber

3.  A Witch's Handbook of Kisses and Curses- Molly Harper

4.  The Dangers of Dating a Rebound Vampire-Molly Harper

5.  Dead Heat- Patricia Briggs

6.  Night Broken- Patricia Briggs

7.  Darkness Rises- Dianne Duvall

8.  Night Unbound- D. Duvall

9.  Magic Shifts- Ilona Andrews

10. Magic Binds- I. Andrews

11. Shield of Winter- Nalini Singh

12. Shards of Hope- N. Singh

13. The Prophet- Amanda Stevens

14. The Visitor- A. Stevens

15. Sinner- A. Stevens


Original post:

Skies of Fire


Skies of Fire - Zoe Archer

Louisa and Christopher were lovers and friends.  Until Christopher asked a question that out Louisa on the spot.  So, instead of talking it out, she took the cowardly way out and left without a word.  Fast forward 3 years.

Louisa is a spy.  And is pretty fucking good at it too.  She also makes bombs.  Christopher became what is called a "Man O' War."  He received an implant that made him faster, stronger.  He is the captain of an airship that gets stuck behind enemy lines. 

I liked how they meet again.  Even though Louise was in a position that she needed rescuing, it wasn't because she was stupid or a woman.  She was intelligent, confident, and able to admit she was cowardly and made a mistake 3 years ago.  And Christopher has the confidence to admit when Louisa does something better then him and to be able to forgive.  

I would be liked a little more.  I thought the end was a little rushed.

Original post:

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Prophet


The Prophet - Amanda Stevens

Not as good as the first two. Amelia is back in Charleston. She now has the ghost of a murdered cop haunting her. He wants her to solve his murder. Shani also wants Amelia's help.
I was glad that Amelia's fixation on Devlin came to a conclusion. Either be with him or move on. I got tired about how Amelia was always perseverating over how she broke papa's rules. Just. Get. Over. It. I don't think this was a bad thing.
New interesting characters that could be friends- Isabel and Clementine. 
I thought the ending was a little rushed.

[spoiler]Shani was Robert's daughter not Devlin's. Mariama planned on killing Shani when she drove off cliff, but she was trapped and perished too. Ethan was the one who killed Robert (and his mom it was implied) because he was jealous of his relationship with Mariama. Amelia shots Ethan at the end with Devil's service gun. Clementine was married to an abuser and Isabel shot him in self defense.


Original post:

Friday, January 25, 2019

The Professional


The Professional - Kresley Cole

KC's worst book ever.  This would have been a DNF, but I needed a book with an ex-con for a challenge and this fit the bill.

Natalie was adopted.  She is looking for her biological parents.  Surprise! Her dad is Russian mafia.  Sevestyan is the bodyguard sent to "protect" her.

Lets start with Natalie.  She's 24.  Has been "picky" about guys and remains a virgin.  So, of course she goes all lusty over Sevestyan (who is tattooed, a bad boy).  I rolled my eyes so many times they got stuck in the back of my head.  She's also TSLT.

Sevestyan- he is an asshole.  Plain and simple.  He's so cliche- piss poor childhood, abusive father, loves sex and is very, very experienced.  Therefore, he's broken and of course into BDSM!

I've wasted way too much time on a shitty book.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Magic Shifts


Magic Shifts  -  Ilona Andrews

M.S. opens a few months after breaking off from the pack. Kate and Curran are living in suburbia. George (Mahon's daughter) comes to see them after her boyfriend goes missing and no one from the Pack looks for him.
This had action. Tons of it. The banter I adore. The scene from Applebees. 
Someone that could have helped and didn't 




 I liked the revelations about the ghouls 


djinn with no magic


. There wasn't much in the Roland story-line. A few books ago I would have said he is evil and wants Kate dead, but now? Maybe he's changed? Or he wants us to think it because he's really evil. I'll be finding out!

Original post:

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Thief of Shadows


Thief of Shadows - Elizabeth Hoyt

After reading Scandalous Desires, I really was looking forward to this one (and like S.D., the epilogue sets up book 5). I wasn't disappointed. Winter was everything anyone could want in one of the main characters. Isabel was a good character too, even if I took a little longer to warm up to her.
But back to Winter. He is an unconventional character in a historical romance. He's not of the nobility. He's the son of a beer brewer who runs an orphanage. He is poor. He is younger than Isabel. He is a virgin. I can't think of anything I didn't absolutely adore! Bottom line: he and Isabel are perfect together.
I enjoyed the secondary characters. I would have liked a bit more on the mystery of the "lassie snatchers," like was Roger in on it? And who murdered him? Maybe book 5 will tell that story?
Character guide and spoilers:


Isabel Beckinhall was married to a much older man when she was very young, he died leaving his mistress and son (Christoper) without. Isabel takes in Christoper. It turns out she's had many miscarriages and has been told she is barren.
Winter: single, runs the foundling home, teaches, virgin, ghost of St Giles (one of them).
Both Temperance (#1) and Hero (#2) find out they are pregnant.
Margaret (Griffin's sister) was in love with and pregnant by Roger Fraser-Burnsby. He's murdered in this book. Presumably by Ghost of St Giles. RF-B was friends with Viscount Adam d'Argue (might be an interesting character), Earl Kershaw, and Mr Seymour (killed by Winter in self-defense, was also responsible for abuse and enslavement of the poor girls).
St John is Lazarus's (Lord Caire of book 1) friend mourning death of wife, Clara. His book is next. He also happens to be the Ghost of St Giles. One of them.


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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Temporal Shift


Temporal Shift - Nina Croft

This picks right up where book 3 (Death Defying) left off with the Blood Hunter going into the black hole to escape their pursuers.  They find another world, an alternate/parallel universe. However, things aren't as they seem,

Saffira has spent her life being told she is the one who will save her people.  She is a "time-mancer."  She also happens to be the strongest "time-mancer" and can see the past/future.  She is very sheltered and naive.  I found her annoying.

Devlin (met him in previous book) is the leader of the rebellion.  He is hell bent on revenge for the murder of his brother.  I thought he was an asshole for most of the book and when he came around, it was too late for me.

I was disappointed in this one.  What was a good sci-fi romance got boggled down with the time travel element.  I would have liked more on the world they landed on.  Then, there's the "Old Ones."  I didn't like how they only "changed" the men.  Women need not apply.  Sexist much?

Not sure if I will read the next.  

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Monday, January 14, 2019

Dead Heat


Dead Heat  - Patricia Briggs

This is one of my least favorite of the Alpha and Omega series so far (in the Mercy Thompson World/Universe). Anna's birthday is coming up, so Charles plans to get her a surprise. It turns out Charles is old friends with Joseph who just happens to own an Arabian horse farm. Off to Arizona they go- for pleasure and not a job. But, you know it's Charles, so of course something has to happen!
There is a powerful fae loose who is preying on children. Charles and Anna step-up to find the culprit along with Leslie (FBI agent from previous book) and 2 new Cantrip agents (who actually weren't all that bad). 
I get that Charles is 200+ years old. Yes, he has a history. But my issue with this book was, he DIDN'T TELL ANNA ANYTHING! This is what Charles said when he talked about Maggie: "We dated once upon a time," he told her somberly. "Though 'dating' is too formal a word for it. Flirting is better, but too lighthearted." Yeah, I got that they were in LOVE and she picked Joseph for Reasons. But he never forgot her and she him. Whatever dude. You. Had. A. Relationship. And didn't see fit to tell Anna about any of it. No heads up, nothing. 
As for other female characters, I did like Chelsea and Mackie. (Although Mackie is 5). For the most part I do like Anna and I think she's grown so much over the course of the series. What I didn't like (and this is coming from someone who doesn't have kids and NEVER wanted them, so I might not be the best judge here) what her persistence in getting Charles to say yes to kids. I was annoyed that his "no" wasn't treated as a no, but rather something she could change if she pressed hard enough.
So, while I still like this series, I think I'm falling out of love a little bit.


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Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Love Lessons


Love Lessons - Heidi Cullinan

This was one of the better new adult books I've read. Both Kelly and Walter are likable, the secondary characters are as well. I thought the angst was on point with coming out (for Kelly). However, the angst was also my problem too. It was frustrating; the angst, uncertainty, and *knowing* what the other was thinking. Ack! Just talk already!
I liked the slow-burn. They got to know each other first. I thought they complimented each other perfectly!
One of the things that really irritated me (and considering Walter's family history) was Kelly threatening to hide his Epipen/eat almonds. Just no. I wanted to slap him for that.


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Saturday, January 5, 2019

Paradise 21


Paradise 21 - Aubrie Dionne

Well, I am a bit disappointed that for such a futuristic book (the crew of the New Dawn have been in space for about 300 years and have another 200 years to go) had way too many patriarchal assholes. Men are the ones in power with women (mostly) in a helpmate/breeding role. Ick. 
Aries was born on the ship and had her job and husband all picked out for her. Barliss was chosen for her and all he sees in her is what she can do for him and give him. She plans her escape and reaches a desert planet Sahara 354. 
I thought that was interesting and wish more time had been spent on the natives there. Barliss (of course) comes after her and destroys what he sees as in his way. I wanted him to have either some epiphany that he was as asshole OR have something (bad) happen to him. He gets rewarded instead. I'm not sure how I feel about the ending with Tiff and Loot.
While the falling in love was fast, there wasn't much romance in this one. Overall, while I liked it, I'm not sure if I will continue on with this series. Book 2 has an overall higher average then this one, so maybe 1 more?

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Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...