Sunday, December 30, 2018



#Starstruck - Sariah S. Wilson

It's been some time since I've picked up a NA that I liked. This sounded interesting. Would this be the one?! I've read the author before and liked it. Well, the track record continues......
Meet Zoe. She's in her last year of college, rooming with her BFF of 10 years, when she tweets a famous actor.....and gets a response. Well, that's cool! Chase happens to be that actor. Zoe and Lexi (her BFF) have been fans of his since they met 10 years ago. That starts a dialogue and meeting. 
Things happen. 
What I liked:
-At first I really hated (and also put the book down) how I felt her women's and gender studies class was portrayed negatively. " a room composed of rapid, men-hating freshman. Freshwomen. Who would probably make women's studies their major. Our section was small, and I often felt bad for the three guys in the class who never, ever spoke. They probably feared for their lives." Yes, as a feminist, I hate men. Whatever. But then, after the Thing That Happened with Zoe and Chase, the class really supported her. "they were all on my side, even the guys, and it made me feel understood and heard in a way that healed another piece of my heart."
-Chase. I thought he was pretty good. I liked how he handled the conversation about Zoe's decision to wait until marriage for sex. I thought he was respectful and supportive of her decision. 
What I hated:
-Zoe. Her lies. She lies to her BFF (her only real friend we are told more than once). Her mom/family. Over and over. Her insecurities.
-Lexi. Shallow.
And the ?:
Zoe and Chase's relationship. I kinda understand, but then I kinda don't understand what was so unique about Zoe that Chase overcome his fear/dislike of marriage.
Not for me, but someone might like this clean (new adult) romance. 



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