Wednesday, December 19, 2018

A Mate's Wish


A Mate's Wish: (BBW Holiday Paranormal Romance) - P. Jameson

Renner and Bethany first meet when Renner was taken in by her family as a child. Bethany was always kind to him, but there were many moments where he wasn't with her. Because, ya know Reasons.
When it was all said and done, I liked this one. I thought Renner's explanation and honesty once he reconnected with Bethany was important. If he hadn't been honest that would have ruined it for me. Interesting concept that cat shifter's, well the male ones, have multiple partners, but the chosen female is monogamous. That was one the the underlying themes; the whole it's in our nature vs it's totally a choice. Both main characters (and secondary ones) were likable and I wouldn't mind picking up more books in this series/by this author.

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