Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Skirting the Ice


Skirting the Ice - Jennie Marts

Murphy was the girl next door, coming for periods of time to stay with her grandfather while her father was away at work. The Bannisters lived next door. Murphy was friends with all of them, but the closest with Jack. She was in love with Jack and vice versa. Then her dad got a job that didn't require travel and she left, never coming back. Fast forward about 10 years later.
Murphy's grandpa died, leaving her his house. Jack lives on his parents property in an apt above the garage. Murphy is putting down roots and hoping to turn her hockey team into a professional women's one.
This was a nice 2nd chance story. Both have their own insecurities that (almost) jeopardize their relationship. I could both empathize and understand those insecurities. However, Jack's attitude/insecurity over things he had no control over (his asthma for ex) really got on my nerves. One of the reasons I wanted to read his story is because he is NOT like his hockey brothers.
I thought Murphy's stalker was unnecessary.
(5 brothers- Owen, Bane, Jack, Nathan, Beau)

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1786709/skirting-the-ice

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