Sunday, August 5, 2018

Down With Love


Down With Love - Kate Meader

eARC courtesy of NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Loveswept
Out Aug 7, 2018
Max's brother, James has a surprise for Max. He is getting married. Max was one engaged to a woman who only wanted his money. He also happened to be a divorce lawyer. As a result, he sees women 1 or 2 times and is ready to move on. Charlie is a wedding planner. Her last name (no pun intended) is Love. When Max and Charlie meet, there is instant lust.
I thought Max and Charlie worked well together, each realizing they had the other pegged incorrectly. I was fun reading about him falling in love. I do think, out of the both of them, Max was the more romantic. Max is definitely more of a cynic at the beginning. I thought Charlie was one too, even though she didn't admit it. It was interesting Max's take on how he helps his clients (mainly women) who are going through divorce. I thought his actions were noble. Both had obstacles they had to overcome as children.
Both Max and Charlie were relate-able and I could believe their story.
The other characters in this; Max and Charlie's parents (Susanne/Jack and Donna/Sully), Max's brother James (Gina), Max's law partners (Lucas/Grant), and Charlie's friends (Nathan/Penny) all added to the story. And only family/friends could get away with calling Max, Maxie. 
Mentions Max is getting in shape to run a Marathon and he will be running on behalf of Mercy Homes- who this person is was never explained. It didn't matter to overall plot, I was curious is all.

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