Sunday, May 27, 2018

Night Shift


Night Shift - Charlaine Harris

The first half was so slow. Just get on with it already! The last half picked up thankfully. I really didn't get the whole point of Kiki's visit other than to make sure the readership knew that Kiki is a bitch (well, duh) and Fiji an outcast in her own family (oh my, I had no idea, none!). I was beyond annoyed with the "virgin blood" plot point. That. Was. Bad. 
After all that, who was the person on the top floor of the Midnight Hotel facing the pawnshop? It was a mystery, but one with no resolution. Also, whomever paid for the hotel and the assisted living fees of Mamie, Susie, and Tommy was never outright solved. I'm assuming "O's" father? I'm glad the series is over, this on was unsatisfying and annoying. But, I'm annoyed further with the amount of (what I feel are) lose ends. Did I miss something?

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